As a part of the IHSA
Do What’s Right! Sportsmanship Program, member school personnel and licensed IHSA officials have the ability to recognize acts of exemplary sportsmanship and integrity that occur in IHSA events throughout the school year via the Sport A Winning Attitude Report (SAWA). Those who are recognized receive a special certificate from the IHSA and select SAWAs are featured here on the
IHSAState website.
The SAWA Report below is about the events that occurred at the IHSA Class 1A Girls Volleyball Super-Sectional featuring Windsor/Stewardson-Strasburg Coop vs. Springfield Lutheran on Saturday, November 5, 2016. The Super-Sectional was hosted by Mt. Pulaski High School and Mt. Pulaski Athletic Director Brent Grisham submitted the following SAWA:
"It is with great pleasure that I get to send this email out to all of you. On Saturday November 5th, Mt. Pulaski High School hosted one of the four IHSA Class 1A Girls Volleyball Super-Sectional Matches. This match featured the Springfield Lutheran Crusaders and the Windsor-Stewardson-Strasburg Hatchets. What happened at the end of the match was one of the ultimate acts of sportsmanship that can be seen in high school athletics.
As the match concluded I proceeded to center court to present the plaque. Upon doing this I noticed the Springfield Lutheran student fan base walking around the edge of the gym directly over to the Windsor/Stewardson-Strasburg student fan base. I paused for a moment and watched as both student fan bases stood in single file lines and proceeded to exchange handshakes and tell each other "great game". After witnessing this I took a moment to congratulate Springfield Lutheran, who just lost the match, on a great season. I then made mention of the great display of sportsmanship by both student groups, to where both fan bases applauded loudly with approval. Then of course I finished off by presenting Windsor/Stewardson-Strasburg with the Super-Sectional Championship plaque.
In a day where competitive athletics is at an all-time high I watched a Springfield Lutheran student fan base who witnessed their team lose just seconds before, proceed directly to the Windsor/Stewardson-Strasburg student fan base and shake hands. In that moment where heartbreak is the common feeling, their very first reaction to the loss was to shake hands with the opposing fans. And on the other hand I watched a joyous and exuberant Windsor/Stewardson-Strasburg fan base who was just itching to get on the court to congratulate their team, step back for a second and receive the hand shakes with a gracious and humble attitude. This was a wonderful way to end a great match by both teams. These two student fan bases are to be commended for their great act of sportsmanship."