WomensLaxDrills is offering a free online lacrosse training session on Saturday, January 4th — perfect for “newish” coaches or anyone looking to grow their coaching game.
Trainer Kaillie Kelly, Head Coach at Hamilton College, will hit on some hot topics including; building a team culture, how to organize practice plans, and practice planning strategy!
- When: Saturday, January 4th at 11:00am eastern
- Where: Zoom - We'll send you the link via email a few days before the event
- Who: Newish coaches, or those that are hungry to learn!
- How: Register Here!
NFHS Girls Lacrosse
2023 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Changes
NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Book
The IHSA Lacrosse Advisory Committee recommends that any IHSA school installing a Unified Field maintain a field width of 60 yards.
Unified Field Specifications
GIRLS LACROSSE - Effective January 1, 2025, all eyewear must bear the SEI mark for certification. (NFHS Rule 2-7- 2, page 20)