As a part of the IHSA
Do What’s Right! Sportsmanship Program, member school personnel and licensed IHSA officials have the ability to recognize acts of exemplary sportsmanship and integrity that occur in IHSA events throughout the school year via the
Sport A Winning Attitude Report (SAWA). Those who are recognized receive a special certificate from the IHSA and select SAWAs are featured here on the
IHSAState website.
The SAWA Report below on Momence High School softball player Megan Lanie
(right) was submitted by an IHSA official who officiated the game:
During the game on April 13, a player from the visiting school was somewhat injured. She stayed in the game, but was moved to a different position so that she wouldn't have to throw. After the game was over, which Momence won by the 10-run rule in five innings, Megan Lanie helped her team prepare the field for the overnight. When she was done with that, she carried the opposing player's equipment to the bus, without prompting. It was great to see that these athletes care about others more than they care about winning. When Megan arrived at the visiting team's bus, the other player was amazed at what had taken place.