In July, 2016, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) announced its newest educational course as a part of its NFHS Learn series:
Concussion For Students.

Concussion for Students, developed in Partnership with the Barrow Neurological Institute, has been designed specifically for students to inform them on how to identify, react to, and prevent concussions. This free course is presented as a social media conversation, showing how four different students learn about concussion in different ways. It includes high school students and medical professionals discussing concussion. The key goal is for students to be able to identify signs and symptoms of a concussion so that they can get immediate help before any further injury can occur.
The Course Objectives include:
• Understand what concussions are and their impact on players.
• Recognize the signs and symptoms of concussions.
• Understand how a student should help a teammate who is experiencing a concussion.
• Understand what student can do to prevent concussions.
To take the course, visit