Current DePaul College Prep Principal Dr. Jim Quaid completed his term-limit of serving nine years on the IHSA Board of Directors at the meeting on September 15, 2014. Quaid is one of 14 Board members to serve nine years the IHSA board in a history that dates back to 1903. Dr. Quaid served on the Board as the principal at four different high schools, including Fenwick, Marmion Academy and Gordon Tech, which recently became DePaul College Prep.
Quaid made comments to the Board about working with the IHSA and volunteering on the Board for nearly a decade at his final meeting:
"Serving on the IHSA Board of Directors allowed me to see a variety of IHSA state tournaments firsthand, and each are run in a most professional manner. Families and communities are brought together in a positive and healthy environment to support one another at IHSA events. It has been an honor to be a part of an organization that does such a wonderful job of bringing people in our state together. Volunteering to serve on the Board allowed me to make friends in towns like Clinton, Anna and Port Byron. Places I had never even heard of these places before I was involved with the IHSA."