IHSA Student Advisory Committee Nomination Forms Now Available

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IHSA Student Advisory Committee Nomination Forms Now Available

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The Student Advisory Committee nomination form is now available for interested students.
The SAC is a diverse group of students who participate in interscholastic athletics/activities and are focused on providing education and leadership through open and honest communication with all member school students, administrators and coaches.  The committee serves as a liaison between students, administrators, the IHSA Staff and Board of Directors.  The Student Advisory Committee promotes the ideals of the IHSA, including leadership, sportsmanship and integrity.

Nomination process:
Any IHSA member school Administrator may nominate a freshman and/or sophomore male and female to be a member of the IHSA Student Advisory Committee.

There is no limit to the number of students nominated from a school but no more than one student from a school will serve on the committee at a time. 

Click here for downloadable nomination form

A student serving on the IHSA SAC must:
1. Display strong character and commitment to sportsmanship and integrity.
2. Demonstrate leadership in your school.
3. Be involved in at least two IHSA sponsored activities
4. Demonstrate a commitment to representing the interest of all students participating in interscholastic activities.
The selection committee will be members of the IHSA Sportsmanship Advisory Committee.

Nomination forms must be completed and submitted to the IHSA office by January 30, 2013. Each form must be signed by the student’s Principal or Official Representative. The nomination must be accompanied by a written statement of no more than 250 words by the nominee explaining why he/she would like to be selected for the IHSA Student Advisory Committee, and what qualities and experiences he/she would bring to the committee

Members of the IHSA Student Advisory Committee will:
1. Attend all SAC meetings.
2. Be the voice of students from their respective districts within the IHSA governance
structure, and offer input and suggestions on current issues facing students.
3. Give input regarding rules and regulations.
4. Give input on IHSA special initiatives (Sportsmanship, increase student participation,
official’s recruitment, steroids, supplements, non-school teams, etc.)
5. Serve as the planning committee for the Leadership Conference and DWR! Workshops.
6. Serve as presenters, moderators, facilitators, and recruiters for the leadership conference and DWR! Workshops.
7. Promote a positive image of student participating in interscholastic competition.
8. Assist in development of campaigns promoting sportsmanship, healthy choices, participation, by utilizing talents to record PSA’s, and other positive marketing materials.

Posted In: General

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