Darrell Crouch, Washington High School Head Football Coach
Friday, November 22, 2013

Washington High School head football Darrell Crouch and his players spoke at a press conference on Friday, November 22 prior to the team's semifinal playoff football game. Below was Crouch's response when asked if he was proud of how his players had handled the events of the week, which were filled with turmoil after an EF-4 tornado decimated the community:
"Before we tried to organize our guys and get anything going (relief efforts), Coach Garcia, one of my assistant coaches was texting me. He was at church with three or four of our guys and as soon as they gave the all-clear they were out in the streets trying to help people out, getting people out of houses, helping the police go house-to-house.
With athletics, we try to instill those things. We hope we build character, we hope we are building people who will be great leaders and when they come back to our community are going to be great fathers and husbands.
Those guys’ actions speak louder than words."