A jack-of-all-trades media member in Southern Illinois, Jim Muir was known as the voice of high

school sports at WQRL radio in Benton, where he retired as Sports Director at the conclusion of the 2016-17 school year.
Muir's coverage went beyond radio, however, as he also spent time as a columnist for the
Southern Illinoisan and
Benton Evening News. He also published
Southern Illinois Sports Connection magazine for five years.
Muir's recognition ceremony on January 20, 2017, had special meaning, as it not only occurred at the historic Benton Invitational Tournament Boys Basketball Tournament, but also prior to a matchup between his hometown radio team, Benton High School, and his alma mater Sesser-Valier.
After being presented with his award by Benton Athletic Director Ryan Miller, who nominated Muir for the award, and the IHSA's Matt Troha, Muir addressed the crowd. See video below (warning, poor audio):