Page 19 - Sports Officials Handbook
P. 19

4. Recommendations: You will need three (3) recommendations to be included with your online application for promotion. You will need one (1) from an IHSA member school Principal/A.D./Head Coach in sport applied for, one (1) from a certified official in the sport being applied for (excluding relatives) and the last one (1) can be from either an IHSA member school Principal/A.D./Head Coach in sport applied for or a certified official in the sport being applied for (excluding relatives). These recommendations will be submitted through the School or Officials Center of the IHSA website. Once you identify individuals to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf, you will need to provide your official's ID number to those individuals to locate you in the Officials/Schools Center in order for them to submit the online recommendation.
5. Promotions will only be accepted through the online format. Mailed applications with letters of recommendation will no longer be accepted.
6. An Official's IHSA officiating license cannot be on probation at the time the Part II test is administered.
7. The Official must have attended a Level 2 clinic within the previous calendar year prior to the start of the promotion exam.
C. Recognized to Certified. Active officials must satisfy the following to be considered for promotion to the Certified level:
1. Application: Complete the online application for promotion found in the
Officials Center by the deadlines listed below. This application process is an online process and should be submitted electronically through the Officials Center.
2. Rules Meeting Requirement: View the Rules Interpretation Meeting on your personal site during the current sport season prior to the promotion test date.
3. Examination(s):
a. Submit the online Part I Rules Exam by the deadline and achieve an 88% on
the test;
b. Achieve an 88% on the online Part II exam.
c. The Part II exam will be given online on the dates listed below. There will be a
two-hour window to take the exam online. The two-hour time limit begins once you open and begin taking the exam. Once the two-hour period is over, the exam site will shut down. You will be graded on the questions you have answered. You will not be able to retake the exam. Your results will be posted immediately once you submit your exam.
4. Recommendations: You will need three (3) recommendations to be included with your online application for promotion. You will need one (1) from an IHSA member school Principal/A.D./Head Coach in sport applied for, one (1) from a certified official in the sport being applied for (excluding relatives) and the last one (1) can be from either an IHSA member school Principal/A.D./Head Coach in sport applied for or a certified official in the sport being applied for (excluding relatives). These recommendations will be submitted through the School or Officials Center of the IHSA website. Once you identify individuals to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf, you will need to provide your official's ID number to those individuals to locate you in the Officials/Schools Center in order for them to submit the online recommendation.

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