Page 18 - Sports Officials Handbook
P. 18
D. Transfer from Another State Association to the IHSA
All requirements must be met in the state of Illinois. The IHSA does not accept the transfer of exam scores, rules meetings, and clinics. The official may have the previous state association send years of experience and status level to be approved by the IHSA Administrator. An official coming from another state can be brought in at one level below their previous state status.
E. Appeals
An official who has had his/her license suspended, revoked or forfeited may petition for an appeal to the Board of Directors. It is the policy of the IHSA that conviction, adjudication or a finding of a sexual offense or any offense involving a minor is contrary to the interest of the IHSA and no appeal is permitted.
A. General. Active officials may apply for a promotion to the next level after two years at their current level. If the second anniversary date falls during that sport season the official may go for promotion. For example, if a new Basketball official licensed for the first time on June 1, 2019, the official would not be eligible for promotion until the winter of the 2020-21 school year. Officials new to Illinois with comparable (high school or National Federation) experience from other states may have a maximum of one year waived for the initial promotion in Illinois. An official coming from another state will be brought into the Illinois system at one level below their current state status. If an official returns to Illinois, they may be reinstated at the promotional level they left Illinois, provided they have continued to officiate in other states. It is the official’s responsibility to contact the former state association, and request that the appropriate information be sent to the IHSA. All information must be completed by the end of that sports season.
B. Registered to Recognized. Active officials must satisfy the following to be considered for promotion to the Recognized level:
1. Application: Complete the online application for promotion found in the
Officials Center by the deadlines listed below. This application process is an online process and should be submitted electronically through the Officials Center.
2. Rules Meeting Requirement: View the Rules Interpretation Meeting on your personal site during the current sport season prior to the promotion test date.
3. Examination(s):
a. Submit the online Part I Rules Exam by the deadline and achieve an 84%
on the test;
b. Achieve an 84% on the online Part II exam.
c. The Part II exam will be given online on the dates listed below. There will
be a two-hour window to take the exam online. The two-hour time limit begins once you open and begin taking the exam. Once the two-hour period is over, the exam site will shut down. You will be graded on the questions you have answered. You will not be able to retake the exam. Your results will be posted immediately once you submit your exam.