Page 10 - Sports Officials Handbook
P. 10
Q. Is it mandatory to take the rules exam every year?
A. Yes. You must complete the online exam every year for every sport in which you are
licensed. There will be an opportunity to retake the exam one week after the initial opening date for a $15 fee. The penalty for non-compliance is probation or suspension. (p. 9-10).
Q. I submitted a rules exam in another state. Can I get credit in Illinois?
A. No. You must complete an Illinois online rules exam, by the deadline. Failure to do so
will result in probation or suspension.
Q. Can I get credit for attending a clinic in another state?
A. No. You must attend an IHSA Certified Clinic conducted by an IHSA Certified Clinician
in order to receive credit for this requirement.
Q. Is it mandatory to attend a clinic the first year an official is licensed?
A. No. You have a one year grace period to either take the online Level 0 clinic or find a
Level 1 clinic to attend. If you do not satisfy the clinic requirement any time during your first year, the following licensing year you will be put on probation.
Q. Can an official be active in one sport and inactive in another? A. Yes (p. 15).
Q. I want to try for promotion. What do I need to do first?
A. You need to fill out the ONLINE application for promotion through your personal site of
the IHSA Officials Center by the due date. You will need three (3) online recommendations submitted for promotion. You will need one (1) from an IHSA member school, one (1) from a certified official in the sport applying for, and the last one can be from either another IHSA member school or certified official in the sport applying for. These online recommendations must be submitted by the individuals recommending you in the same year that you are going for promotion. In addition, you must have attended a Level 2 clinic within the calendar year of the promotion before you can complete the online Pt. II exam by the deadline. (p. 16-18 for more details).
Q. Do I have to wear the patch or the embroidered logo when I officiate?
A. It is mandatory that all officials properly wear the IHSA patch/logo on their uniform for every game/match they officiate. First year officials will receive one patch free from the
IHSA Office. Our licensed officials merchandise vendors can embroider the IHSA Officials Logo on the uniform upon request when purchasing. If you are in need of more IHSA Officials Patches, you will need to send a note to our office with the following information:
1. Name and Official ID #
2. Address where we should send the patches
3. Indicate how many patches you would like
4. The patches are $1 each. Please send proper payment in the form of cash or check.