Page 86 - Demo
P. 86
287) Q. If a player or coach is ejected from a junior varsity soccer game, when is he/she eligible to participate?
A. A player or coach ejected from a junior varsity soccer game for unsportsmanlike conduct will not be eligible to participate at any level of competition in soccer until the next junior varsity soccer game has been completed. If there is no contest at the same level within a ten day period, the ejected player or coach may fulfill the requirements of the by-law by missing three contests for another team(s) at any level in the same sport for which they are a rostered player
or contracted coach. (By-law 6.011)
288) Q. If a player is disqualified for committing five personal fouls in a basketball game, must he/she sit out the next game? A. No. By-law 6.011 only applies when players are ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.
289) Q. If a player is ejected from the first game of a doubleheader in softball, is she eligible to play in the second game of the doubleheader?
A. No. (By-law 6.011)
290) Q. In the same situation, if the girl was in the lineup for the second game should the umpire allow her to play?
A. Yes. Game officials are not responsible for enforcing By-laws 6.011 or 6.012. The ejection from the first game should be reported as required. Note: all ejections for unsportsmanlike conduct must be reported in writing to the IHSA
and the member school(s) involved by officials within 48 hours of the incident. (By-law 6.011)
291) Q. In some sports players and coaches may be ejected from a contest for reasons other than unsportsmanlike conduct. Do By-laws 6.011 and 6.012 still apply?
A. No. By-laws 6.011 and 6.012 only apply when players or coaches are ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.
292) Q. What if a school fails to enforce By-laws 6.011 or 6.012?
A. Schools will be required to forfeit any contest(s) (including an IHSA state series contest) when a player or coach is
allowed to participate when he/she is ineligible due to an ejection for unsportsmanlike conduct. Schools are to set up administrative procedures to insure proper enforcement of By-laws 6.011 and 6.012.
293) Q. May a school schedule a contest after a player or coach has been ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct to fulfill the requirements of by-laws 6.011 or 6.012?
A. No. Coaches or players ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct must miss the next regularly scheduled contest. Contests that are rescheduled prior to an ejection because of inclement weather, etc., will be treated like a regularly scheduled contest.
294) Q. If a player or coach receives two yellow cards in the same game, is he/she eligible for the next contest at that level? A. No. (By-laws 6.011 and 6.012)
295) Q. If a player is ejected from the last game of the season, when is he/she eligible to participate?
A. A player ejected from the last game of the season must sit out the next contest in which he/she would normally
participate. (By-law 6.011)
Any coach ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next interscholastic contest at that level of competition, and all other interscholastic contests at any level in the interim, in addition to others penalties the IHSA or the school may assess.
Illustrations for Section 6.012 of the By-laws
The illustrations and situations it contains are for purposes of assisting in understanding the application of the particular by-law to which they pertain. In the case of any conflict, whether actual or believed, between the illustrations, examples or situations in this publication and the constitution or by-laws of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws shall control.
296) Q.
A. No. (By-law 6.012)
May coaches who are ineligible for a contest due to a suspension for unsportsmanlike conduct travel with the team to the contest or attend the contest?
297) Q.
A. A coach ejected from the last game of the season must sit out the next contest in which he/she would normally coach.
If a coach is ejected from the last game of the season, when is he/she eligible to coach? (By-law 6.012)