Page 85 - Demo
P. 85
Included in this Section:
6.000 Protest and Penalty By-laws
6.010 Penalty for Violating Rules
6.020 Forfeiture of Contest
6.030 Protest Procedure
6.040 Breach of Contract Between Member Schools
6.050 Breach of Contract Between Member School and Official
Any violation of the Constitution and/or By-laws, Terms and Conditions, IHSA Policies and Guidelines, and/or other rules of the Association shall be reported to the Executive Director, who shall have authority to investigate all alleged violations. The findings of the investigation shall be made known to the school (or schools), person (or person), alleged to have committed a violation. The Executive Director shall then have full authority to invoke penalties against such school or persons found to have committed violations. Penalties shall include, but not be limited to, written warning or reprimand, requisite affirmative corrective action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion. Failure to take the corrective action required by any penalty shall be the basis for further action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion.
Persons found guilty of exercising undue influence to secure or retain the attendance of a student at a member school shall be ineligible to coach at an IHSA member school for one year. Sanctions shall also be imposed against the school represented by such persons.
Students whose high school attendance is found to have been affected by undue influence to secure or retain the student at a member school shall be permanently ineligible at that school.
Any player ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next interscholastic contest at that level of competition, and all other interscholastic contests at any level in the interim, in addition to other penalties the IHSA or the school may assess.
If the school contests the ejection and video evidence clearly indicates that a player was misidentified in an ejection, the IHSA will work with the school(s) involved to ensure the proper player(s) are identified. After the IHSA Executive Director reviews the video provided by the school(s) and verify the misidentification, the misidentified player shall be eligible for the next interscholastic contest at that level of competition.
If a player violates a rule and is ejected from a contest, and the school believes the ejection penalty was a result of a misapplication of a playing rule related to that violation, the school may communicate with the IHSA Executive Director to clarify the correct rule application. After reviewing the situation, if the Executive Director determines that an official did misapply a rule that led to the player ejection, the Executive Director may waive the requirement that the player is ineligible for the next interscholastic contest at that level of competition.
Illustrations for Section 6.011 of the By-laws
The illustrations and situations it contains are for purposes of assisting in understanding the application of the particular by-law to which they pertain. In the case of any conflict, whether actual or believed, between the illustrations, examples or situations in this publication and the constitution or by-laws of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws shall control.
285) Q.
A. No. The student-athlete will be academically ineligible for the next week and then will serve the penalty for the
When a student-athlete is ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct and has to sit out the next game and also becomes academically ineligible for the next game, will the student serve both periods of ineligibility at the same time?
ejection once the student-athlete has regained eligibility. (By-law 6.010)
286) Q.
A. Yes. However, ineligible players may not appear at the contest in uniform. (By-law 6.011)
May players who are ineligible for a contest due to a suspension for unsportsmanlike conduct travel with the team to the contest or attend the contest?