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185) Q.
How is the term “maintains a school team” defined in the context of a school which does not sponsor or otherwise
188) Q.
facilitate competition in a sport during the regular season?
A. Such a school is considered to be “maintaining a school team” on the date any student first represents the school in
an interscholastic contest in the sport. Beginning on that date, any student from the school who subsequently practices or competes outside the school in the sport, will violate this by-law. (By-law 3.101)
186) Q.
A. Yes. Performance of an athletic feat when randomly selected and when the feat does not involve competition against
May a high school student-athlete be randomly selected from the crowd at a sports event to shoot from half-court and win a prize if the shot is made?
other individuals, is not considered to be “competition in the skill of the sport”. (By-law 3.101)
187) Q.
A. The “school season,” as defined above, ends for varsity athletes and non-varsity athletes on the date of the school’s
When does the “school season” end for varsity or non-varsity athletes in a sport?
last contest at their level in the particular sport. (By-law 3.101)
May a tryout be conducted in more than one session over one or more days?
A. Yes, if determined to be necessary by virtue of the numbers of individuals participating or the extent of skill
demonstration being pursued in the tryout, and provided it meets the definition of a tryout. (By-law 3.102)
189) Q.
A. Yes, provided it only involves individuals who are actually trying out, and is within parameters of all other by-laws.
May a tryout include a scrimmage? (By-law 3.102)
190) Q.
A. No. (By-law 3.103)
May a student who is a member of a school 12-inch fast pitch softball team attend weekly team meetings during the high school softball season for a team that competes in a non-school 12-inch slow pitch softball league?
191) Q.
A. Yes, provided the meeting focuses exclusively on the fund raiser and not on any activity identified in the definition of
May a student attend a meeting to organize and plan a fund raising activity for a non-school team? “team activity” above. (By-law 3.103)
192) Q.
A. No. (By-law 3.104)
May a student who attends a school which does not maintain a school team in a given sport participate in practice sessions at a neighboring school which does maintain a school team in that sport?
193) Q.
A. No. (By-law 3.104)
196) Q.
May a student in a school which does not maintain a school team in a given sport participate in a scrimmage in the sport at a neighboring school?
194) Q.
A. Yes. However, such competition shall be considered to be competition by the school team, and the date on which
May a school which does not maintain a school team in a given sport enter one or more of its students in competition against a neighboring school during the regular season for the sport?
it first occurs shall be considered to be the date on which the school has a school team in that sport. (By-law 3.105)
195) Q.
A. Yes, but under no conditions may the high school team or individual members of the high school team interact in any
May a high school team practice at the same time and place as a college team?
manner whatever with either the college athletes, coaches, or other college personnel. (By-law 3.105)
Does this by-law pertain only to varsity student-athletes? A. No. It applies to all students at member schools. (3.106)
If practice begins on Monday, when must students cease participation on non-school teams?
197) Q.
A. Students must cease non-school practice and competition in that sport within 7 days. (By-law 3.106)
198) Q.
What number of players is needed to constitute “one-half the number of players needed to field a team in actual
IHSA state series competition” in each sport?
A. The number in each sport for which IHSA conducts a state series has been determined by the Board of Directors.
Specifically, the limitations are:
Badminton—3; Baseball—4; Basketball—2; Bowling—2; Cross Country—3; Football—5; Golf—3; Boys Gymnastics— 12; Girls Gymnastics—8; Boys Lacrosse—5; Girls Lacrosse—6; Soccer—5; Softball—4; Swimming—15; Tennis—3; Track and Field—17; Volleyball—3; Water Polo—3; Wrestling—7; Competitive Cheerleading-Small 6; Medium 8; Large 10 and Coed 10; Competitive Dance – 12. (By-law 3.107)
May a high school coach serve as a coach for multiple non-high school teams during the school term as long as the number of students from his/her school on each team does not exceed the limits noted in illustration 198?
199) Q.
A. No. (By-law 3.107)
200) Q.
May a school soccer coach serve as a coach for a non-school basketball team, on which students from the school
participate, during the school term?
A. Yes, provided the number of students from the school at which the individual coaches does not exceed the number
permitted in By-law 3.107. (By-law 3.107)