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3.102 Students may participate in a tryout for a non-school athletic team while a member of a high school team in the same sport, provided the tryout is exclusively a demonstration of skills with no practice or instruction involved. A student shall be considered to be a member of a school team when he/she engages in any team activity, including but not limited to tryouts, drills, physical practice sessions, team meetings, playing in a contest, etc., on or after the date specified in By- law 5.000 and its sub-sections.
3.103 The phrase, “participate on any non-school team,” as utilized in By-law 3.101, is defined to mean engaging in any team activity, including but not limited to, tryouts (except as defined in Section 3.102), drills, physical practice sessions, player evaluations, team meetings, etc.
3.104 In the event a school does not maintain a team which competes during the regular high school season for a sport, but enters one or more students into competition for the first time in that season at the beginning level of the IHSA tournament series for the sport, the date of the beginning level contest in the IHSA series shall be the date on which the school shall be considered to have a school team in that sport.
3.105 Students or teams at member schools shall not be permitted to participate on, practice with or compete against any college, junior college, or university athletic team. This restriction shall apply in all situations, regardless of the competitive structure or sponsor of the competing entities for such events.
3.106 To be eligible for a school team in a given sport, students must cease non-school practice and competition in that sport no later than seven (7) days after the date on which the school team engages in its first practice or tryout in that sport.
3.107 During the school year, a person who is a coach in any sport at a member school, may be involved in any respect with any non-school team, only if the number of squad members from his/her school which are on the non-school team roster does not exceed one-half the number of players needed to field a team in actual IHSA state series competition in that sport. The number of non-school team squad members that are counted only include those that are eligible to play in the next season of that sport.
3.108 The Illinois School for the Visually Impaired (ISVI), may with the permission of the IHSA Executive Director, under the guidance of the Board of Directors, conduct cooperative practices with another team in the immediately geographic area of Jacksonville, Illinois.
3.109 A diver enrolled at a school that lacks diving facilities may, with the permission of the Executive Director, practice with an independent team during the sport season.
Illustrations for Section 3.100 of the By-laws
The illustrations and situations it contains are for purposes of assisting in understanding the application of the particular by-law to which they pertain. In the case of any conflict, whether actual or believed, between the illustrations, examples or situations in this publication and the constitution or by-laws of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws shall control.
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country. (By-law 3.101) NOTE: This illustration can be applied to any sport and/or season by referring to the definition of “skill of the sport” and the list of skills determined for each interscholastic sport by the Board of Directors which is included in the Definitions Section at the beginning of the Handbook.
Is there a difference between “skill of the sport” and “skills of a particular event” in a sport, in regard to competition
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applicable to any and all events within a sport, regardless of whether a particular event utilizes a specific skill or not. For example, since “running any distance on a track” is a skill essential to the sport of track and field, a discus thrower, whose specific track and field event may not utilize the skill of running, is still prohibited from engaging in non-school running competition during the school track and field season, because “running” is a skill of his/her sport. (By-law 3.101)
Is there any circumstance in which special permission may be granted to permit a student to compete in a non-school
May a student participate on a team or as an individual outside the school? 3.101)
May a student who is a member of a school cross country team run in a 10K road race apart from the school cross
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A. Yes, provided such participation does not occur during the school season for the sport, as defined above. (By-law
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country program during the school cross country season?
A. No. “Running on any surface other than a track” is defined by the Board of Directors as a skill of the sport of cross
in “the skill of the sport?”
A. No. The list of “skills of the sport” which the Board of Directors has determined are essential to each sport are
event in or utilizing “the skill of the sport,” during the school season for the sport?
A. Yes. The Executive Director may make an exception under guidelines adopted by the Board of Directors for
competitions sanctioned by the National Governing Body for the sport. (By-law 3.101) A completed request form, and written verification from the National Governing Body for the sport indicating that the event has been officially sanctioned, must be submitted to the IHSA Office for the Executive Director’s review.