Page 42 - Demo
P. 42
In unit systems having a 6-3-3 or 6-4-2 type of organization, ninth grade students may participate on senior high school athletic teams at the member high school in the district designated by the Board of Education, provided:
(a) such participation is approved by the district’s superintendent of schools; (b) the senior high school principal shall certify that the ninth grade students:
(1)are eligible under the requirements of these By-laws,
(2)are students at a junior high school located in the district which supports the senior high school, and (3)are not members of a grade or junior high school team in the same sport; and,
(c) the senior high school principal assumes full responsibility for the conduct of these students during all athletic contests in which they represent the senior high school.
3.012 They shall have been enrolled and in attendance not later than the beginning of the eleventh school day of the semester. Exception may be considered only if written verification that delay in enrollment or attendance is caused by illness of the students or their immediate family or by other circumstances deemed acceptable by the Board of Directors which are submitted to the Executive Director for presentation to the Board of Directors.
3.013 Including a student’s name on school attendance records for a period of ten (10) or more school days during any given semester, beginning with the date of the student’s first physical attendance and ending with the date of the student’s official withdrawal from school, shall constitute a semester of attendance for the student.
3.014 If a student does not attend school for ten (10) days in a semester, as defined in Section 3.013, but participates in any interscholastic athletic activity, the student shall be considered to have completed a semester of attendance, unless withdrawal from school occurs prior to completion of ten (10) days attendance and is necessitated by disabling illness or injury which is certified by a physician.
3.015 They shall not have any lapse of school connection during any given semester of greater than ten consecutive school days. Lapse of school connection for greater than ten consecutive school days shall render them ineligible for the remainder of the entire semester. Exceptions may be considered only if written verification that lapse in school connection is caused by illness of the students or their immediate family or by other circumstances deemed acceptable to the Board of Directors which are submitted to the Executive Director for presentation to the Board of Directors.
3.016 Absence of students required by military service to state or nation in the time of any state of national emergency shall not affect students’ eligibility.
Illustrations for Section 3.010 of the By-laws
The illustrations and situations it contains are for purposes of assisting in understanding the application of the particular by-law to which they pertain. In the case of any conflict, whether actual or believed, between the illustrations, examples or situations in this publication and the constitution or by-laws of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws shall control.
Q. If a student is ill and does not attend school on the day of an interscholastic contest, may the student play in a contest on that day?
A. IHSA by-laws do not contain any requirement stating that a student must attend school on the day of an interscholastic activity in order to be eligible for the contest. Member schools may have local policies of this sort, but they are not required to do so by the Association. (By-law 3.010)
Q. May a student who is home schooled, participate on a high school team?
A. Yes, provided the student is enrolled at the member high school, the student is taking a minimum of twenty- five (25)
credit hours of work at the member school or in a program approved by the member school, and, the student must be granted credit for the work taken either at the member school or in a program it approved. The approved academic program could come from a non-member school that does not provide any extra-curricular offerings. The student must also pay applicable tuition and fees at the member high school. (By-law 3.011)
Q. May students who are not yet in high school practice or participate on high school teams? A. No. (By-laws 3.011, 3.051, 3.053 and 3.132)
Q. May a student who attends a private school participate on a public school’s team? A. No. (By-law 3.011)