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2.140.3 A school which has a football game scheduled with a school which is on strike on the Monday preceding the scheduled game shall have the option to cancel the game with the striking school and schedule a game with another school provided it has a pending alternative contract. If this option is exercised, the striking school shall forfeit the scheduled contest and receive a forfeit loss. The non-striking school shall receive a forfeit win and may play the alternate contest, which shall not count as a win or loss for the non-striking school. A school which has a football game scheduled with a school which goes on strike after the Monday preceding the scheduled game shall receive a forfeit if the striking school does not settle its contract by midnight preceding the scheduled game.
A school shall have on file for each student who participates (including practice) in interscholastic athletics a certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner as set forth in the Illinois State Statutes not more than 395 days preceding any date of participation in any such practice, contest or activity.
Illustrations for Section 2.150 of the Constitution
The illustrations and situations it contains are for purposes of assisting in understanding the application of the particular by-law to which they pertain. In the case of any conflict, whether actual or believed, between the illustrations, examples or situations in this publication and the constitution or by-laws of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws shall control.
Q. Is a physical examination administered by a chiropractor acceptable for athletic purposes?
A. The athletic physical examination must be administered by a licensed physician. Consistent with the interpretation of the State Board of Education, the Board of Directors interprets a “licensed physician” to be one who is licensed to practice medicine in all its branches. A chiropractor’s physical examination is acceptable only if the chiropractor is
licensed to practice medicine in all its branches. (Constitution 1.420 and By-law 2.150)
Q. May a physician’s assistant perform the physical examination the by-laws require? A. Yes. (By-law 2.150)
Q. Must the form provided by the IHSA be used for physical examinations?
A. No. The IHSA provides a form only as a service. Its use is optional. However, some form of written physical
examination certificate must be used. (By-law 2.150)
Guidelines and regulations for classification of non-boundaried schools are applied to all non-boundaried schools. A non- boundaried school is defined as any private school, charter school, lab school, magnet school, residential school, and any public school in a multi-high school district that does not accept students from a fixed portion of the district.
2.171 No coach, administrator, school official or employee, or booster club/support group member may sell, distribute, or promote the use of any anabolic steroids or performance-enhancing dietary supplements to students at member schools.
2.172 A coach, administrator, school official or employee, or booster club/support group member may provide only permissible nutritional supplements to students at any time for the purpose of providing additional calories and electrolytes, provided they do not contain any dietary supplements banned by the Association. Permissible nutritional supplements are identified according to the following classes: Carbohydrate/electrolyte drinks, energy bars, carbohydrate boosters and vitamins and minerals.