Page 13 - Demo
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Improper contact — Verbal and/or written communication regarding athletic programs and/or participation, except in response to a parental request; any communication by school personnel to a prospective student which states, suggests or implies advantages which might accrue to the prospective student in relation to or arising from athletic participation in the event the prospective student should attend the school.
Initiate contact — Engaging in verbal and/or written communication regarding athletic programs and/or athletic participation, in the absence of a student’s or parent’s request for admissions information, with any boy or girl who has not filed an application or taken other steps toward registration at a member high school.
Induce — Communication and/or actions expressed to inspire, move or lead by persuasion or influence related to athletic participation or opportunity a student to attend a particular school.
Involved in any respect — Engaging in anything to do with a non-school team, including, but not limited to coaching, scheduling, transporting, officiating and hiring of officials, training, taping, managing team expenses, purchasing of uniforms and equipment, etc.
Lives on a full-time basis — The location at which a student is permanently domiciled and actually resides on a full-time basis of at least five (5) calendar days per week.
Limited Eligibility — Eligible to participate at any level except varsity and state series competition.
Move — The actual physical relocation in joint residence by the parents of a student and the student from one school district to another, with the intent to reside there indefinitely and terminate all occupancy of their previous residence. (By-law 3.041)
Non-boundaried school — Any private school, charter school, lab school, magnet school, residential school, and any public school in a multi-high school district that does not accept students from a fixed portion of the district.
One year — One year means 365 consecutive days.
Parents — The birth mother and biological father of a student, or the persons to whom a court of proper jurisdiction grants adoption of the student.
Participate — To be present for and personally engage in any organized tryout, drill, practice, training or competition activity for a sport. Participation — The act of personally engaging in an organized tryout, training or competition activity in a sport.
Physical conditioning programs — Organized physical activity performed without use of any “skill of a sport” which is designed and intended exclusively to facilitate the development of physical strength, agility, muscle tone, stamina, flexibility and general physical fitness of participants.
Prospective student-athlete — A boy or girl who is not a student at and who has not yet registered at a public or non-public high school, but who has been identified by expression of interest and/or pre- or non-high school athletic participation as an individual potentially interested in participating in interscholastic athletics.
Recreational programs — Organized free play, with no instruction, coaching or participant evaluation of any kind, with the exclusive goal of providing enjoyable physical activity to participants.
Regularly certified teacher — A person who possesses a currently registered Illinois teacher’s certificate which required completion of student teaching and possession of at least a bachelor’s degree. (By-law 2.071) “Substitute” or “Type 39” certificates, which permit an individual to be a substitute teacher only for a limited time period and require only possession of at least a bachelor’s degree, without a teacher training or student teaching experience, are acceptable. (By-law 2.072)
Same geographical area — The “same geographical area” will be defined by the boards of education forming a cooperative team. The practical factors involved in the cooperative agreement will create practical parameters to the geographical area any cooperative might serve.
Scholarship — Monetary contribution, remission of tuition or credit toward payment of school costs, based upon selection criteria of any kind other than need.
School personnel — Any person, compensated or non-compensated, who provides services to the operations of a school with the consent of the administration and/or Board of Education or governing Board.
School season — The period of time a school may conduct activity in a sport, commencing with the date on which a school engages in its first practice at any level and ending with the date of the school’s last contest at any level in any given school term.
School team — An entity comprised of one or more students in a school, under the control and conduct of the school, which represents the school in interscholastic athletic competition.