Page 12 - Demo
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The following definitions have been adopted as official interpretations of the Board of Directors under its authority and responsibility as provided in Article 1.420 of the IHSA Constitution.
Attend — Enrolled and physically present in classes for the period specified in the by-laws, or in the event a by-law does not contain such specification, then for one school term as this is defined in the Illinois School Code. This definition pertains to students, parents or any other person for whom it is necessary under these by-laws to determine whether the person attended a member high school.
Breach of contract — Literally, the nonfulfillment of the terms of a contract. Therefore, if the written terms of a contract are not fulfilled by both schools which are party to the agreement, the contract is technically breached. (By-law 6.040)
Classes begin — The first day of school attendance as designated by a member school’s official calendar as filed with the Education Service Region Superintendent.
Coach — Any person, regardless of whether employed or volunteer, who instructs, supervises, or otherwise manages or participates with student athletes in conjunction with a practice, tryout, drill, workout, evaluation of competition activity.
Coaching school, camp or clinic — Any program, sponsored by an organization or individual, which provides instruction in sports theory and/or skills and which does not culminate in competition.
College, junior college or university athletic team — An organized team in a sport sponsored and operated by a college, junior college or university.
Compensation — Any financial consideration, including travel expenses. (By-law 2.080)
Competition “in” or “that involves” the skill of the sport — An event in which teams and/or individuals compete against one another, utilizing one or more of the skills of the sports listed above, under specified competition rules, to determine one or more winner(s).
Contest — Any interscholastic competition, including a scrimmage, in which students representing two or more high schools participate with or against each other.
Custodial Parent — A parent (mother or father) who has been assigned custody or joint custody by a court of proper jurisdiction or, where applicable, who has been designated as the parent with the majority of parenting time in a court approved parenting plan (“Parenting Plan”) unless the address of the parent who does not have the majority of parenting time is listed in the Parenting Plan as the child’s residential address for school enrollment purposes only, in which case the latter shall be considered the address of the custodial parent for purposes of these by-laws.
Demonstration — The act, process or means of making one’s ability, skill or potential to play a sport evident to one or more observers.
Emancipated student — A student who has been a resident of the State of Illinois for a minimum of one year and who is ruled by the Executive Director to have provided documentation to the IHSA demonstrating that the student is completely financially independent of parents, guardians or any other person, and is completely self-supporting.
Extenuating Circumstances — Are those which have had a significant adverse impact on a student’s education or well-being which would be remedied, in whole or in substantial part, by a transfer of schools. In order to be considered “extenuating”, the circumstance must be specific to the student in question and must have been brought to the attention of the school’s principal and appropriate members of the school’s faculty and administration. If applicable, the school must have been given the opportunity to take corrective action. Discipline issues, conflicts with peers, conflicts with school personnel, academic performance and any issue relating to athletics, are examples of circumstances that generally will not be considered “extenuating.”
Financial assistance — Monetary contribution, remission of tuition or credit toward payment of school costs, granted exclusively on the basis of objectively determined need.
Game — An organized contest between two different teams.
Home high school — The member school in which a student is enrolled and where the student is granted credit toward graduation for the academic work being taken. Can include the school where the student is claimed for state financial reimbursement.
Home schooled student — A home schooled student is considered to be a student in a private school.
In the same sport — In a team sport, “in the same sport” means practice for or competition in an event played under the published rules for the sport utilized in the IHSA State Tournament Series, or any other published rules for the sport for teams comprised of the same number of players as in the rules used for the IHSA State Series in the sport. In a sport where competition may be in a different events or on an individual basis, “in the same sport” means competition in any event included in the IHSA State Tournament Series for the sport or in which interscholastic competition is offered by the student’s high school. (By-law 3.010)