Page 109 - Demo
P. 109
IHSA Performance-Enhancing Drug Testing Policies, continued
Specimen B
• For Student-athlete’s not granted a medical exception and with a positive finding on Specimen A, there is no penalty imposed until completion of analysis of Specimen B.
• The third party test administrator will contact the Parent by telephone as soon as possible and notify them of the positive finding in reference to Specimen A and that Specimen B will be tested. The telephone contact will be followed by a letter (marked “confidential”), which will be mailed to the Parent.
• The third party test administrator will, during the telephone conversation, advise the Parent that Specimen B will be tested. The third party test administrator also will inform the Parent that the Student-athlete may have representation at the Laboratory for the testing of Specimen B and that the Student-athlete in question is not subject to penalty until completion of analysis of Specimen B.
• Notification by the Parent of the intent to have representation at the Laboratory must be given to the third party test administrator within 48 hours (2 business days) of being advised that Specimen B will be tested. Notification of the desire to have a representation at the Laboratory can be accomplished via telephone, fax, e-mail or in writing to the third party test administrator.
• If the Parent desires representation for the Student-athlete at the Laboratory, they must present themselves, or, upon appropriate permissions for confidentiality being granted, their representative, at the Laboratory, at an appointed date and time, within 2 business days of the notification of intent to have representation. Any expenses associated with travel to the Laboratory for this purpose are the responsibility of the Student-athlete or their Parent. If the Parent of the Student-athlete cannot arrange for such representation, the Laboratory will arrange for a Surrogate to attend the testing of Specimen B.
• The Surrogate will not otherwise be involved with the analysis of the Specimen.
• At the testing for Specimen B, the Student-athlete, the Parent, their representative or the Surrogate will verify by signature as
to the Specimen Bar Code on Specimen B, that the Specimen Bar Code seal is intact, and that there is no evidence of tampering. If the Specimen Bar Code seal on Specimen B does not match, is not intact or there is evidence of tampering, Specimen B will not be tested and will be discarded by the Laboratory. The result for that Specimen Bar Code will be reported to the third party test administrator as negative and the Student-athlete will not be subject to penalty. In this scenario, the IHSA may require that the third party test administrator collect another Specimen from the Student-athlete.
• Specimen preparation, analysis and interpretation for Specimen B analysis will be conducted by a Laboratory staff member other than the individual who prepared, analyzed and interpreted the Student-athlete’s Specimen A.
• Specimen B findings will be final. The Laboratory will inform the third party test administrator of the results.
• For Student-athletes who have a Specimen B negative finding, no further action will be taken and the Student-athlete will not be subject to penalty. Negative results for Specimen B will be communicated in the same manner that negative results for Specimen A are communicated. For Student-athletes who have a Specimen B positive finding, the third party test administrator will contact the IHSA, the Parent and the member school representative by telephone as soon as possible and notify each of the
Specimen B positive finding,
• Upon notification of the Specimen B positive finding, the IHSA Executive Director shall notify the school of the student’s
and/or school’s penalty for the positive test result.
• A positive finding may be appealed by the Student-athlete or by the Parent on the Student-athlete’s behalf to the IHSA.
• Specimens with negative results are kept for five (5) business days and then discarded by the Laboratory. Specimens with
Program renewal
positive results are kept by the Laboratory for a minimum of one (1) year.
Results of all tests shall be considered confidential and, unless required by a court order, shall only be disclosed to the student, his or her parents/legal guardian, the principal, assistant principal(s), and activity director(s) of the school attended by the student.
Collection of results
The IHSA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee shall annually compile and report the results of the testing program to the IHSA Board of Directors. In addition, the committee shall hear an annual report from its selected Medical Review Officer (MRO) and third party test administrator regarding the previous year’s testing as a means of consultation prior to its determination of tested sports for the following school term.
The IHSA Board of Directors shall annually determine whether this policy shall be renewed or discontinued.
Appendix A
Sports Drug-Testing Collection Protocol
1. Only those persons authorized by the certified collector or client representative/site coordinator will be allowed in the collection station.
2. Upon entering the collection station, the athlete will provide photo identification and/or a client representative/site coordinator will identify the athlete and the athlete will officially be signed into the collection station.
3. The certified collector and/or client representative may release a sick or injured athlete from the collection station or may release an athlete to return to competition or meet academic obligations only after appropriate arrangements for having the athlete tested have been made and documented.
4. The athlete will select a sealed collection beaker from a supply of such and will record his/her initials on the collection beaker’s lid or attach a unique bar code label to the beaker.