Page 107 - Demo
P. 107
IHSA Performance-Enhancing Drug Testing Policies, continued
The association shall prohibit a student from participating in an athletic competition sponsored or sanctioned by the association unless the following conditions are met:
• The student agrees not to use any performance-enhancing substances on the association’s most current banned substances classes list, and, if the student is enrolled in high school, the student submits to random testing for the presence of these substances in the student’s body, in accordance with the program established by the association.
• The association obtains from the student’s parent a statement signed by the parent and acknowledging: that the parent’s child, if enrolled in high school, may be subject to random performance-enhancing substance testing; that State law prohibits possessing, dispensing, delivering, or administering a performance-enhancing substance in a manner not allowed by State law; that State law provides that bodybuilding, muscle enhancement, or the increase of muscle bulk or strength training through the use of a performance-enhancing substance by a person who is in good health is not a valid medical purpose; that only a licensed practitioner with prescriptive authority may prescribe a performance-enhancing substance for a person; and that a violation of State law concerning performance-enhancing substances is a criminal offense punishable by confinement in jail or imprisonment.
Selection of Athletes to be tested
• The method for randomly selecting Schools or Student-athletes to be tested for performance-enhancing substances will be approved by the IHSA in advance of any performance-enhancing substance testing, administered by the third party administrator and implemented by the assigned testing Certified collector.
• Student-athletes in the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades at IHSA member-schools are subject to random selection for performance-enhancing substance testing.
• Selection of Student-athletes will be based upon a random selection process approved by the IHSA and conducted by the third party administrator.
• Student-athletes will be randomly selected from the current IHSA Performance-Enhancing Substance Testing Student-athlete Listing Form. The IHSA Performance-Enhancing Substance Testing Student-athlete Listing Form shall be the official list of all Student-athletes in grades 9-12 participating in IHSA athletic activities. The School is required to utilize the IHSA Performance- Enhancing Substance Testing Student-athlete Listing Form, which is available for download on the IHSA web site.
• If a student is selected for substance testing and is notified and then subsequently excused from testing that day by the certified collected, the third party administrator may return at a later date to test the student-athlete.
• A substitution, who will also have been randomly selected, shall be made for a Student-athlete who is selected for performance- enhancing substance testing but is absent on the day of said testing. Randomly selected Student-athletes who do not appear for testing for reasons other than an Excused Absence will be treated as if there was a positive test result for an performance- enhancing substance and subject to applicable penalties as described later in this policy.
School and Student-athlete Notification of Testing
• The member school representative and testing site coordinator at a selected School will be officially notified of the performance- enhancing substance testing a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours (1 business day) but no more than forty-eight (48) hours (2 business days) before the day of testing by the third party test administrator.
• The member school representative, testing site coordinator, and/or any other school personnel notified of a performance- enhancing substance testing event are required to keep such notification confidential. Failure of a member school representative, testing site coordinator and/or any other school personnel so notified to keep such notification information confidential will be considered a violation of this policy and subject the member-school to possible sanctions in accordance with section 1.460 of the IHSA Constitution.
• Upon notification of testing, the member school representative will be required to provide an accurate and current list of all Student-athletes in grades 9-12 participating in IHSA athletic activities at the school to the third party test administrator for Student-athlete random selection. The member school representative will be required to submit the list within the time frame specified by the third party test administrator in their notification. The member-school is required to utilize the IHSA Performance-Enhancing Substance Testing Student-athlete Listing Form, which will be available for download on the IHSA web site. The IHSA has the authority to perform audits to ensure that schools are providing complete and accurate Performance- Enhancing Substance Testing Student-athlete Listing Forms to the third party test administrator.
• Upon arrival at the School, the Performance-Enhancing Substance testing Certified collector will provide the member school representative with a list of the randomly selected Student-athletes for performance-enhancing substance testing. The randomly selected Student-athletes will be notified of performance-enhancing substance testing by the member school representative. The member school representative will notify the Student-athlete in person to report immediately to the Collection Station.
• Upon notification the member school representative will have the Student-athlete read and sign the IHSA Student-athlete Notification Form. The time of notification will be recorded on the form. The Student-athlete will report for performance- enhancing testing immediately upon notification. Failure of the Student-athlete to report immediately may be found by the Certified collector to be a violation of this protocol.
• School Personnel will be available in the Collection Station at all times to certify the identity of Student-athletes who cannot provide photo identification and will be responsible for security of the Collection Station at all times.