* Last updated at 11:14 am on Saturday, November 15, 2014
Volleyball Box Score IHSA Championship Hartsburg (H.-Emden) vs Rockford(Keith C Day (11-15-14 at Normal, Ill.) Hartsburg (H.-Emden) ATTACK SET SERVE SRV DEF BLOCK GEN ## Name SP K E TA PCT A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE BHE POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 STRANGE,Lexi........ 2 3 4 12 -.083 0 0 0 5 9 0 0 0 0 3.0 4 HOERBERT,Arriana.... 2 1 1 8 .000 1 1 0 2 5 0 0 1 0 2.0 8 BEEKMAN,Kaylee...... 2 7 3 21 .190 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 7.5 9 VETTER,Adreanna..... 2 1 1 3 .000 14 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 1.0 10 PATTERSON,Ava....... 2 3 3 12 .000 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4.0 13 MOATS,Emma.......... 2 0 0 2 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.5 0 DETMERS,Jordan...... 2 0 0 0 .000 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2.0 3 EADS,Tearaney....... 1 0 1 2 -.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 11 OLSON,Emme.......... 2 1 0 2 .500 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1.0 12 LESSEN,Erin......... 2 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Totals.............. 2 16 13 62 .048 16 3 3 7 29 1 2 2 1 21.0 TEAM ATTACK PER SET TOTAL TEAM BLOCKS: 2.0 Set K E TA Pct 1 5 5 23 .000 SET SCORES 1 2 TEAM RECORDS 2 11 8 39 .077 Hartsburg (H.-Emden) (0) 11 23 30-10 Rockford(Keith C Day (2) 25 25 39-2 Rockford(Keith C Day ATTACK SET SERVE SRV DEF BLOCK GEN ## Name SP K E TA PCT A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE BHE POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 LIPTON,Ali.......... 2 1 0 5 .200 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 3.5 4 WEHRSTEIN,Ashley.... 2 2 1 7 .143 2 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 5.0 13 SHERMAN,Sydney...... 2 5 1 10 .400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 15 McGARY,Iman......... 2 11 3 20 .400 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 0 11.5 18 NUNEZ,Zoe........... 2 4 0 9 .444 18 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 4.0 24 NUNEZ,Alex.......... 2 3 4 13 -.077 2 3 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 6.0 10 deROSALES,Laura..... 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.0 14 WEHRSTEIN,Reilley... 2 0 0 1 .000 2 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0.0 25 BODAK,Kristie....... 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Totals.............. 2 26 9 65 .262 24 7 4 3 28 1 2 0 1 35.0 TEAM ATTACK PER SET TOTAL TEAM BLOCKS: 2.0 Set K E TA Pct 1 16 2 28 .500 Site: Normal, Ill. (Redbird Arena) 2 10 7 37 .081 Date: 11-15-14 Attend: Time: 1:18 Referees: Connie Scott, Julie Terstriep
Play-by-Play Summary (1st set) IHSA Championship Hartsburg (H.-Emden) vs Rockford(Keith C Day (11-15-14 at Normal, Ill.) For K_C_DAY: LIPTON,Ali/WEHRSTEIN,Ashley; SHERMAN,Sydney/McGARY,Iman; NUNEZ,Zoe/NUNEZ,Alex; libero WEHRSTEIN,Reilley. For H_EMDEN: STRANGE,Lexi/HOERBERT,Arriana; VETTER,Adreanna/PATTERSON,Ava; MOATS,Emma/BEEKMAN,Kaylee; libero DETMERS,Jordan. 1-0 [HOERBERT,Arriana] Kill by NUNEZ,Zoe (from WEHRSTEIN,Reilley). 2-0 [NUNEZ,Alex] Attack error by PATTERSON,Ava. 3-0 [NUNEZ,Alex] Kill by SHERMAN,Sydney. 3-1 [NUNEZ,Alex] Kill by PATTERSON,Ava (from VETTER,Adreanna). 4-1 [PATTERSON,Ava] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 5-1 [WEHRSTEIN,Reilley] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Alex). 5-2 [WEHRSTEIN,Reilley] Kill by BEEKMAN,Kaylee (from VETTER,Adreanna). 6-2 [OLSON,Emme] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 7-2 [NUNEZ,Zoe] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 7-3 [NUNEZ,Zoe] Kill by STRANGE,Lexi (from VETTER,Adreanna). 8-3 [BEEKMAN,Kaylee] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 8-4 [McGARY,Iman] Service error. 8-5 [VETTER,Adreanna] Attack error by NUNEZ,Alex. 8-6 [VETTER,Adreanna] Attack error by WEHRSTEIN,Ashley. 9-6 [VETTER,Adreanna] Service error. 10-6 [LIPTON,Ali] Service ace (STRANGE,Lexi). 10-7 [LIPTON,Ali] Service error. 10-8 [STRANGE,Lexi] Bad set by NUNEZ,Zoe. 11-8 [STRANGE,Lexi] Kill by WEHRSTEIN,Ashley (from NUNEZ,Zoe), block error by HOERBERT,Arriana. 12-8 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Kill by NUNEZ,Alex (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 13-8 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Kill by NUNEZ,Alex. 14-8 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Service ace (STRANGE,Lexi). Timeout Hartsburg (H.-Emden). 15-8 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Kill by NUNEZ,Alex (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 16-8 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Attack error by EADS,Tearaney. 17-8 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Kill by SHERMAN,Sydney (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 18-8 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Attack error by BEEKMAN,Kaylee. Timeout Hartsburg (H.-Emden). 18-9 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Kill by OLSON,Emme (from VETTER,Adreanna). 19-9 [HOERBERT,Arriana] Kill by SHERMAN,Sydney (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 20-9 [NUNEZ,Alex] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 21-9 [NUNEZ,Alex] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 22-9 [NUNEZ,Alex] Attack error by BEEKMAN,Kaylee. 23-9 [NUNEZ,Alex] Service ace (STRANGE,Lexi). 23-10 [NUNEZ,Alex] Kill by BEEKMAN,Kaylee (from VETTER,Adreanna). 24-10 [DETMERS,Jordan] Kill by NUNEZ,Zoe (from NUNEZ,Alex), block error by OLSON,Emme. 24-11 [BODAK,Kristie] Service error. 25-11 [OLSON,Emme] Attack error by STRANGE,Lexi (block by McGARY,Iman; LIPTON,Ali). Play-by-Play Summary (2nd set) For H_EMDEN: MOATS,Emma/PATTERSON,Ava; VETTER,Adreanna/HOERBERT,Arriana; STRANGE,Lexi/BEEKMAN,Kaylee; libero DETMERS,Jordan. For K_C_DAY: NUNEZ,Alex/WEHRSTEIN,Ashley; LIPTON,Ali/NUNEZ,Zoe; McGARY,Iman/SHERMAN,Sydney; libero WEHRSTEIN,Reilley. 1-0 [NUNEZ,Alex] Service ace (HOERBERT,Arriana). 2-0 [NUNEZ,Alex] Service ace (STRANGE,Lexi). 3-0 [NUNEZ,Alex] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 3-1 [NUNEZ,Alex] Attack error by SHERMAN,Sydney (block by BEEKMAN,Kaylee; MOATS,Emma). 3-2 [DETMERS,Jordan] Service ace (NUNEZ,Alex). 4-2 [DETMERS,Jordan] Kill by NUNEZ,Zoe (from WEHRSTEIN,Reilley). 4-3 [WEHRSTEIN,Reilley] Kill by BEEKMAN,Kaylee (from VETTER,Adreanna). 5-3 [OLSON,Emme] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 5-4 [NUNEZ,Zoe] Kill by BEEKMAN,Kaylee (from VETTER,Adreanna). 5-5 [BEEKMAN,Kaylee] Kill by VETTER,Adreanna (from BEEKMAN,Kaylee). 6-5 [BEEKMAN,Kaylee] Attack error by HOERBERT,Arriana. 6-6 [McGARY,Iman] Service error. 7-6 [VETTER,Adreanna] Service error. 8-6 [LIPTON,Ali] Kill by SHERMAN,Sydney (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 9-6 [LIPTON,Ali] Attack error by STRANGE,Lexi. 9-7 [LIPTON,Ali] Kill by HOERBERT,Arriana (from VETTER,Adreanna). 10-7 [STRANGE,Lexi] Kill by WEHRSTEIN,Ashley (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 11-7 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Service ace (HOERBERT,Arriana). 12-7 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Service ace (STRANGE,Lexi). 13-7 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Attack error by PATTERSON,Ava. Timeout Hartsburg (H.-Emden). 13-8 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Kill by PATTERSON,Ava (from VETTER,Adreanna). 13-9 [HOERBERT,Arriana] Service ace (WEHRSTEIN,Reilley). 14-9 [HOERBERT,Arriana] Attack error by BEEKMAN,Kaylee. 15-9 [NUNEZ,Alex] Attack error by PATTERSON,Ava. 15-10 [NUNEZ,Alex] Kill by BEEKMAN,Kaylee (from VETTER,Adreanna). 15-11 [DETMERS,Jordan] Kill by BEEKMAN,Kaylee (from VETTER,Adreanna). 15-12 [DETMERS,Jordan] Service ace (NUNEZ,Alex). 15-13 [DETMERS,Jordan] Kill by BEEKMAN,Kaylee (from VETTER,Adreanna). 15-14 [DETMERS,Jordan] Attack error by McGARY,Iman. Timeout Rockford(Keith C Day. 16-14 [DETMERS,Jordan] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 17-14 [WEHRSTEIN,Reilley] Attack error by VETTER,Adreanna (block by LIPTON,Ali). 17-15 [WEHRSTEIN,Reilley] Ball handling error by deROSALES,Laura. 18-15 [OLSON,Emme] Kill by McGARY,Iman (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 19-15 [NUNEZ,Zoe] Attack error by STRANGE,Lexi. 20-15 [NUNEZ,Zoe] Attack error by STRANGE,Lexi. Timeout Hartsburg (H.-Emden). 20-16 [NUNEZ,Zoe] Kill by STRANGE,Lexi (from VETTER,Adreanna). 20-17 [BEEKMAN,Kaylee] Attack error by McGARY,Iman. 21-17 [BEEKMAN,Kaylee] Service error. 21-18 [McGARY,Iman] Attack error by NUNEZ,Alex. 22-18 [VETTER,Adreanna] Kill by LIPTON,Ali (from WEHRSTEIN,Ashley). 23-18 [LIPTON,Ali] Kill by NUNEZ,Zoe (from WEHRSTEIN,Ashley). 23-19 [LIPTON,Ali] Kill by STRANGE,Lexi (from VETTER,Adreanna). 23-20 [PATTERSON,Ava] Attack error by NUNEZ,Alex (block by PATTERSON,Ava). 23-21 [STRANGE,Lexi] Attack error by McGARY,Iman. 24-21 [STRANGE,Lexi] Kill by SHERMAN,Sydney (from NUNEZ,Zoe). 24-22 [WEHRSTEIN,Ashley] Kill by PATTERSON,Ava (from HOERBERT,Arriana). Timeout Rockford(Keith C Day. 24-23 [HOERBERT,Arriana] Attack error by NUNEZ,Alex. 25-23 [HOERBERT,Arriana] Ball handling error by PATTERSON,Ava. ==================== ROCKFORD(KEITH C DAY 2, HARTSBURG (H.-EMDEN) 0