* Last updated at 1:28 pm on Saturday, June 4, 2022
Libertyville ATTACK SET SERVE SRV DEF BLOCK GEN ## Name SP K E TA PCT A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE BHE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Sikora, Oliver...... 2 2 3 9 -.111 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 6 Slesers, Aleks...... 2 2 2 10 .000 2 0 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 10 Imm, Mack........... 2 1 1 9 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 12 Correa, Luis........ 2 2 0 2 1.000 7 0 2 0 6 0 0 1 1 16 Akers, Patrick...... 2 7 5 22 .091 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 25 Bonder, Chase....... 2 2 2 10 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 Lindberg, Ethan..... 2 0 0 0 .000 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 9 Loizzo, Nick........ 2 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Merlo, Nate......... 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 Anderson, Braden.... 2 2 2 4 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 21 Wiatrowski, Reece... 2 0 0 0 .000 2 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals.............. 2 18 15 66 .045 16 1 3 2 23 1 8 4 1 TEAM ATTACK PER SET TOTAL TEAM BLOCKS: 5.0 Set K E TA Pct 1 8 9 31 -.032 SET SCORES 1 2 TEAM RECORDS 2 10 6 35 .114 Libertyville........ (0) 21 13 22-14 Glenbard West....... (2) 25 25 38-3 Glenbard West ATTACK SET SERVE SRV DEF BLOCK GEN ## Name SP K E TA PCT A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE BHE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Swartz, Gavin....... 2 7 2 18 .278 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 12 Moorhead, Parkr..... 2 8 2 17 .353 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 15 Addanki, Nitan...... 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Dorsey, Danny....... 2 7 3 16 .250 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 17 Powell, Trevor...... 2 1 0 4 .250 22 1 0 0 8 0 1 0 1 22 Willett, Xavion..... 2 3 0 4 .750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Gibson, Kenny....... 2 0 0 0 .000 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 Anderson, Jack...... 2 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 Alles, Sam.......... 2 1 0 2 .500 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 14 O'Neill, Liam....... 2 2 2 9 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals.............. 2 29 9 70 .286 23 2 3 1 30 0 6 1 1 TEAM ATTACK PER SET TOTAL TEAM BLOCKS: 3.0 Set K E TA Pct 1 14 7 37 .189 Site: Hoffman Estates, Ill (Hoffman Estates HS) 2 15 2 33 .394 Date: Jun 04, 2022 Attend: 1500 Time: :45 Referees: Terri Narantic, Kevin Helmick Line judges: Rhonda Williams, Pat Doyle
Play-by-Play Summary (1st set) Libertyville vs Glenbard West (Jun 04, 2022 at Hoffman Estates, Ill) For GW: Swartz, Gavin/Moorhead, Parkr; Addanki, Nitan/Dorsey, Danny; Powell, Trevor/Willett, Xavion; libero Gibson, Kenny. For LIBERTY: Sikora, Oliver/Slesers, Aleks; Imm, Mack/Correa, Luis; Akers, Patrick/Bonder, Chase; libero Wiatrowski, Reece. 1-0 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Moorhead, Parkr (from Powell, Trevor), block error by Correa, Luis. 1-1 [Gibson, Kenny] Service error. 2-1 [Correa, Luis] Kill by Moorhead, Parkr (from Powell, Trevor). 2-2 [Swartz, Gavin] Kill by Slesers, Aleks (from Correa, Luis). 3-2 [Slesers, Aleks] Service error. 3-3 [Alles, Sam] Bad set by Powell, Trevor. 4-3 [Wiatrowski, Reece] Attack error by Akers, Patrick. 5-3 [Anderson, Jack] Attack error by Sikora, Oliver. 5-4 [Anderson, Jack] Attack error by Dorsey, Danny (block by Imm, Mack; Sikora, Oliver). 6-4 [Lindberg, Ethan] Kill by Swartz, Gavin (from Powell, Trevor), block error by Akers, Patrick. 7-4 [Powell, Trevor] Attack error by Akers, Patrick. 7-5 [Powell, Trevor] Ball handling error by Powell, Trevor. 8-5 [Akers, Patrick] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Powell, Trevor). 9-5 [Dorsey, Danny] Attack error by Slesers, Aleks. Timeout Libertyville. 9-6 [Dorsey, Danny] Kill by Anderson, Braden (from Lindberg, Ethan). 10-6 [Loizzo, Nick] Kill by Moorhead, Parkr (from Powell, Trevor). 10-7 [Gibson, Kenny] Bad set by Moorhead, Parkr. 10-8 [Correa, Luis] Attack error by Moorhead, Parkr. 10-9 [Correa, Luis] Attack error by Swartz, Gavin (block by Slesers, Aleks). 10-10 [Correa, Luis] Attack error by Dorsey, Danny. 10-11 [Correa, Luis] Kill by Bonder, Chase (from Correa, Luis). 10-12 [Correa, Luis] Attack error by Swartz, Gavin (block by Bonder, Chase; Slesers, Aleks). Timeout Glenbard West. 10-13 [Correa, Luis] Attack error by O'Neill, Liam. 11-13 [Correa, Luis] Kill by Moorhead, Parkr (from Powell, Trevor). 12-13 [Swartz, Gavin] Attack error by Sikora, Oliver (block by Moorhead, Parkr; O'Neill, Liam). 12-14 [Swartz, Gavin] Kill by Akers, Patrick (from Correa, Luis). 13-14 [Slesers, Aleks] Kill by Powell, Trevor (from Dorsey, Danny). 13-15 [Alles, Sam] Service error. 14-15 [Wiatrowski, Reece] Kill by Swartz, Gavin (from Powell, Trevor). 14-16 [Anderson, Jack] Kill by Correa, Luis (from Slesers, Aleks). 15-16 [Lindberg, Ethan] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Powell, Trevor). 15-17 [Powell, Trevor] Kill by Akers, Patrick (from Lindberg, Ethan). 16-17 [Akers, Patrick] Attack error by Anderson, Braden. 17-17 [Dorsey, Danny] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Powell, Trevor). 18-17 [Dorsey, Danny] Kill by Swartz, Gavin. Timeout Libertyville. 18-18 [Dorsey, Danny] Attack error by Moorhead, Parkr (block by Imm, Mack; Anderson, Braden). 18-19 [Loizzo, Nick] Kill by Bonder, Chase. 19-19 [Loizzo, Nick] Kill by Moorhead, Parkr (from Powell, Trevor). 20-19 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Moorhead, Parkr, block error by Bonder, Chase. 21-19 [Gibson, Kenny] Attack error by Bonder, Chase (block by O'Neill, Liam; Moorhead, Parkr). 22-19 [Gibson, Kenny] Attack error by Slesers, Aleks. 22-20 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Akers, Patrick (from Correa, Luis). 23-20 [Correa, Luis] Ball handling error by Correa, Luis. 23-21 [Swartz, Gavin] Service error. 24-21 [Slesers, Aleks] Kill by O'Neill, Liam (from Powell, Trevor). 25-21 [Alles, Sam] Attack error by Akers, Patrick (block by Powell, Trevor; O'Neill, Liam).Play-by-Play Summary (2nd set) For GW: Willett, Xavion/Swartz, Gavin; Moorhead, Parkr/O'Neill, Liam; Dorsey, Danny/Powell, Trevor; libero Gibson, Kenny. For LIBERTY: Slesers, Aleks/Sikora, Oliver; Correa, Luis/Bonder, Chase; Akers, Patrick/Imm, Mack; libero Wiatrowski, Reece. 1-0 [Correa, Luis] Service error. 1-1 [Swartz, Gavin] Kill by Sikora, Oliver (from Wiatrowski, Reece). 2-1 [Slesers, Aleks] Kill by Moorhead, Parkr (from Powell, Trevor). 2-2 [Alles, Sam] Kill by Akers, Patrick (from Correa, Luis). 3-2 [Wiatrowski, Reece] Kill by O'Neill, Liam (from Powell, Trevor). 4-2 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Dorsey, Danny. 5-2 [Gibson, Kenny] Attack error by Sikora, Oliver. 6-2 [Gibson, Kenny] Attack error by Akers, Patrick. Timeout Libertyville. 6-3 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Sikora, Oliver (from Correa, Luis). 7-3 [Lindberg, Ethan] Kill by Willett, Xavion (from Powell, Trevor). 8-3 [Powell, Trevor] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Powell, Trevor). 8-4 [Powell, Trevor] Kill by Akers, Patrick (from Lindberg, Ethan). 8-5 [Akers, Patrick] Service ace (Alles, Sam). 8-6 [Akers, Patrick] Kill by Slesers, Aleks (from Wiatrowski, Reece), block error by Dorsey, Danny. 9-6 [Akers, Patrick] Kill by Swartz, Gavin (from Powell, Trevor). 9-7 [Dorsey, Danny] Kill by Anderson, Braden (from Lindberg, Ethan). 10-7 [Loizzo, Nick] Kill by Swartz, Gavin (from Powell, Trevor). 10-8 [Anderson, Jack] Attack error by O'Neill, Liam. 11-8 [Correa, Luis] Service error. 11-9 [Swartz, Gavin] Kill by Correa, Luis (from Slesers, Aleks). 11-10 [Slesers, Aleks] Kill by Akers, Patrick. 12-10 [Slesers, Aleks] Kill by Moorhead, Parkr (from Powell, Trevor). 13-10 [Alles, Sam] Attack error by Akers, Patrick. 14-10 [Alles, Sam] Attack error by Bonder, Chase. 14-11 [Alles, Sam] Attack error by Dorsey, Danny (block by Bonder, Chase; Sikora, Oliver). 15-11 [Wiatrowski, Reece] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Powell, Trevor). 16-11 [Gibson, Kenny] Service ace (Wiatrowski, Reece). Timeout Libertyville. 16-12 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Imm, Mack (from Correa, Luis). 17-12 [Lindberg, Ethan] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Powell, Trevor). 18-12 [Powell, Trevor] Kill by Alles, Sam (from Powell, Trevor), block error by Anderson, Braden. 19-12 [Powell, Trevor] Attack error by Anderson, Braden. 20-12 [Powell, Trevor] Attack error by Imm, Mack. 21-12 [Powell, Trevor] Service ace (Akers, Patrick). 22-12 [Powell, Trevor] Kill by Willett, Xavion. 22-13 [Powell, Trevor] Kill by Akers, Patrick (from Lindberg, Ethan). 23-13 [Akers, Patrick] Kill by Swartz, Gavin (from Powell, Trevor). 24-13 [Dorsey, Danny] Kill by Swartz, Gavin (from Powell, Trevor). 25-13 [Dorsey, Danny] Kill by Willett, Xavion. ==================== GLENBARD WEST 2, LIBERTYVILLE 0