* Last updated at 12:49 pm on Saturday, June 19, 2021
Volleyball Box Score The Automated ScoreBook Lake Park vs Glenbard West (Jun 19, 2021 at Glen Ellyn, Ill.)Lake Park ATTACK SET SERVE SRV DEF BLOCK GEN ## Name SP K E TA PCT A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE BHE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Tkaczyk, Robert..... 2 5 0 9 .556 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 10 Jones, Jaden........ 2 2 3 6 -.167 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 11 Schellinger, Josh... 2 14 7 29 .241 0 1 2 0 10 0 1 0 0 12 Gibbons, Brendan.... 2 4 0 5 .800 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 14 Wrobel, Elijah...... 2 0 0 2 .000 32 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 15 Deardorff, Andrew... 2 10 7 20 .150 0 2 1 1 4 0 2 0 0 4 Sampson, Jack....... 2 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 16 Devalk, Evan........ 2 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals.............. 2 35 17 71 .254 32 3 4 1 27 1 13 0 0 TEAM ATTACK PER SET TOTAL TEAM BLOCKS: 7.5 Set K E TA Pct 1 15 5 24 .417 SET SCORES 1 2 TEAM RECORDS 2 20 12 47 .170 Lake Park........... (2) 25 26 25-1 Glenbard West....... (0) 14 24 35-3 Glenbard West ATTACK SET SERVE SRV DEF BLOCK GEN ## Name SP K E TA PCT A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE BHE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Noland, Zack........ 2 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 Pasinski, Danny..... 2 7 6 27 .037 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 12 Moorhead, Parker.... 2 1 1 8 .000 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 13 Lohman, Tommy....... 2 0 2 4 -.500 15 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 16 Dorsey, Danny....... 2 4 1 5 .600 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 22 Jones, Nick......... 2 1 0 2 .500 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 Gibson, Kenny....... 2 0 0 0 .000 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 6 Murphy, Ryan........ 2 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 Carroll, Dean....... 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Swartz, Gavin....... 2 1 0 6 .167 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 10 Alles, Sam.......... 2 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 11 Hardesty, Quinn..... 1 1 0 3 .333 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 TEAM................ 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals.............. 2 15 10 57 .088 15 1 2 3 16 1 10 0 0 TEAM ATTACK PER SET TOTAL TEAM BLOCKS: 6.0 Set K E TA Pct 1 7 7 23 .000 Site: Glen Ellyn, Ill. (Glenbard West HS) 2 8 3 34 .147 Date: Jun 19, 2021 Attend: 504 Time: 0:43 Referees: Ed Vesely, Tarah Dickerson Line judges: Paul Wilk, Mike Riedy 2021 IHSA Semifinal Game #6
Play-by-Play Summary (1st set) The Automated ScoreBook Lake Park vs Glenbard West (Jun 19, 2021 at Glen Ellyn, Ill.) For GBD-W: Moorhead, Parker/Dorsey, Danny; Lohman, Tommy/Pasinski, Danny; Jones, Nick/Noland, Zack; libero Gibson, Kenny. For LAKEPARK: Gibbons, Brendan/Wrobel, Elijah; Schellinger, Josh/Tkaczyk, Robert; Jones, Jaden/Deardorff, Andrew; libero Sampson, Jack. 0-1 [Gibbons, Brendan] Kill by Schellinger, Josh. 1-1 [Gibbons, Brendan] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 1-2 [Alles, Sam] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 1-3 [Wrobel, Elijah] Attack error by Pasinski, Danny (block by Jones, Jaden; Tkaczyk, Robert). 2-3 [Wrobel, Elijah] Kill by Pasinski, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 2-4 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 2-5 [Schellinger, Josh] Attack error by Lohman, Tommy (block by Deardorff, Andrew; Tkaczyk, Robert). 2-6 [Schellinger, Josh] Kill by Jones, Jaden (from Wrobel, Elijah). 3-6 [Schellinger, Josh] Service error. 3-7 [Lohman, Tommy] Kill by Tkaczyk, Robert (from Wrobel, Elijah). 3-8 [Sampson, Jack] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 3-9 [Sampson, Jack] Attack error by Pasinski, Danny (block by Jones, Jaden). Timeout Glenbard West. 3-10 [Sampson, Jack] Attack error by Pasinski, Danny. 4-10 [Sampson, Jack] Attack error by Deardorff, Andrew. 4-11 [Pasinski, Danny] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 4-12 [Devalk, Evan] Attack error by Pasinski, Danny (block by Gibbons, Brendan; Wrobel, Elijah). 5-12 [Devalk, Evan] Kill by Jones, Nick (from Lohman, Tommy). 5-13 [Carroll, Dean] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 5-14 [Deardorff, Andrew] Kill by Gibbons, Brendan (from Wrobel, Elijah). 5-15 [Deardorff, Andrew] Service ace (Gibson, Kenny). 5-16 [Deardorff, Andrew] Attack error by Dorsey, Danny (block by Gibbons, Brendan; Schellinger, Josh). Timeout Glenbard West. 6-16 [Deardorff, Andrew] Service error. 7-16 [Murphy, Ryan] Attack error by Deardorff, Andrew. 8-16 [Murphy, Ryan] Attack error by Schellinger, Josh. 8-17 [Murphy, Ryan] Kill by Gibbons, Brendan (from Wrobel, Elijah). 9-17 [Gibbons, Brendan] Kill by Moorhead, Parker (from Lohman, Tommy). 9-18 [Alles, Sam] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 9-19 [Wrobel, Elijah] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 10-19 [Wrobel, Elijah] Kill by Pasinski, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 10-20 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Schellinger, Josh. 10-21 [Schellinger, Josh] Service ace (Gibson, Kenny). 11-21 [Schellinger, Josh] Kill by Pasinski, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 11-22 [Lohman, Tommy] Kill by Tkaczyk, Robert (from Wrobel, Elijah). 12-22 [Sampson, Jack] Attack error by Deardorff, Andrew (block by Hardesty, Quinn; Jones, Nick). 13-22 [Pasinski, Danny] Attack error by Jones, Jaden (block by Moorhead, Parker). 13-23 [Pasinski, Danny] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 13-24 [Devalk, Evan] Attack error by Pasinski, Danny (block by Wrobel, Elijah; Deardorff, Andrew; Gibbons, Brendan). 14-24 [Devalk, Evan] Kill by Hardesty, Quinn (from Lohman, Tommy). 14-25 [Carroll, Dean] Service error.Play-by-Play Summary (2nd set) For GBD-W: Alles, Sam/Dorsey, Danny; Lohman, Tommy/Pasinski, Danny; Jones, Nick/Noland, Zack; libero Gibson, Kenny. For LAKEPARK: Gibbons, Brendan/Wrobel, Elijah; Schellinger, Josh/Tkaczyk, Robert; Jones, Jaden/Deardorff, Andrew; libero Sampson, Jack. 1-0 [Alles, Sam] Attack error by Schellinger, Josh. 1-1 [Alles, Sam] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 1-2 [Gibbons, Brendan] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 2-2 [Gibbons, Brendan] Attack error by Deardorff, Andrew. 3-2 [Gibson, Kenny] Attack error by Schellinger, Josh (block by Jones, Nick; Lohman, Tommy). 3-3 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Tkaczyk, Robert (from Wrobel, Elijah). 4-3 [Wrobel, Elijah] Attack error by Schellinger, Josh. 5-3 [Lohman, Tommy] Attack error by Schellinger, Josh. 6-3 [Lohman, Tommy] Bad set by Wrobel, Elijah. 6-4 [Lohman, Tommy] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 6-5 [Schellinger, Josh] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 6-6 [Schellinger, Josh] Attack error by Pasinski, Danny. 7-6 [Schellinger, Josh] Attack error by Jones, Jaden. 7-7 [Pasinski, Danny] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 8-7 [Sampson, Jack] Kill by Swartz, Gavin (from Lohman, Tommy). 9-7 [Murphy, Ryan] Attack error by Deardorff, Andrew (block by Dorsey, Danny; Swartz, Gavin). 9-8 [Murphy, Ryan] Kill by Gibbons, Brendan (from Wrobel, Elijah). 10-8 [Devalk, Evan] Attack error by Schellinger, Josh. 10-9 [Noland, Zack] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 10-10 [Deardorff, Andrew] Service ace (TEAM). 10-11 [Deardorff, Andrew] Attack error by Moorhead, Parker (block by Wrobel, Elijah; Gibbons, Brendan). 11-11 [Deardorff, Andrew] Kill by Pasinski, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 11-12 [Alles, Sam] Kill by Gibbons, Brendan (from Wrobel, Elijah). 12-12 [Gibbons, Brendan] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 13-12 [Gibson, Kenny] Attack error by Schellinger, Josh. 14-12 [Gibson, Kenny] Service ace (Deardorff, Andrew). 14-13 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Tkaczyk, Robert (from Wrobel, Elijah). 15-13 [Wrobel, Elijah] Kill by Pasinski, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 15-14 [Lohman, Tommy] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 15-15 [Schellinger, Josh] Attack error by Lohman, Tommy. 15-16 [Schellinger, Josh] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 15-17 [Schellinger, Josh] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). Timeout Glenbard West. 16-17 [Schellinger, Josh] Service error. 17-17 [Pasinski, Danny] Attack error by Deardorff, Andrew (block by Jones, Nick; Swartz, Gavin). 18-17 [Pasinski, Danny] Attack error by Jones, Jaden (block by Moorhead, Parker; Jones, Nick). 18-18 [Pasinski, Danny] Service error. 19-18 [Sampson, Jack] Service error. 19-19 [Murphy, Ryan] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 20-19 [Devalk, Evan] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 20-20 [Noland, Zack] Kill by Deardorff, Andrew (from Wrobel, Elijah). 21-20 [Deardorff, Andrew] Kill by Dorsey, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 21-21 [Alles, Sam] Kill by Schellinger, Josh. 21-22 [Gibbons, Brendan] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 22-22 [Gibbons, Brendan] Kill by Pasinski, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 22-23 [Gibson, Kenny] Kill by Schellinger, Josh (from Wrobel, Elijah). 23-23 [Wrobel, Elijah] Kill by Pasinski, Danny (from Lohman, Tommy). 23-24 [Lohman, Tommy] Bad set by Lohman, Tommy. Timeout Glenbard West. 24-24 [Schellinger, Josh] Attack error by Deardorff, Andrew. 24-25 [Pasinski, Danny] Kill by Tkaczyk, Robert (from Wrobel, Elijah). 24-26 [Sampson, Jack] Kill by Jones, Jaden (from Wrobel, Elijah). ==================== GLENBARD WEST 0, LAKE PARK 2