The Sportsmanship Toolkit is provided by the IHSA in conjunction with NFHS.
The Parent Seat is a free interactive video course brought to you by the NFHS that gives parents tips on how to exemplify sportsmanship as fans.
The Parent Seat: This video is designed for coaches and athletic directors to use during their pre-season parent meetings. It explains the role of a parent during game day and provides suggestions on how they can cope with the roller coaster of emotions that they will feel.
The Parent Seat: Beyond the Scoreboard: This video is designed to help parents understand the benefits of participation in Interscholastic Athletics and Activities. They go farther than wins and losses!
The Parent Seat: A Lasting Relationship: This video is designed to help parents create healthy, life-long relationships with their child through their participation in interscholastic athletics and activities.
As a parent, there are many feelings and emotions that you will experience during your student’s participation in interscholastic activities. For students who are motivated to be a part of a team, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone. Sitting in The Parent Seat requires thought and discipline. It is NOT an easy seat! Click here for Parent Seat Handouts.
NFHSLearn Positive Parenting with School Programs Course: This free course explains the influence that parents have on their children. The course addresses behavior in the stands, conversations with children after games, and interactions with officials. Register for a free NFHS Learn account to get started.
NFHSLearn Sportsmanship Course: This free course is designed for coaches, administrators, students, parents/fans, and officials. The course will define sportsmanship and discuss appropriate conduct from each role to facilitate a positive environment in interscholastic athletics. Register for a free NFHS Learn account to get started.
The NFHS Voice: In this 2-minute video, Dr. Karissa Niehoff, CEO of the National Federation of State High School Associations, shares a noteworthy perspective on sports officials. This video is appropriate for coaches, administrators, and all spectators.
Bench Bad Behavior Flyers
Customizable Flyer Templates
Bench Bad Behavior Sample PA Announcements
Bench Bad Behavior Sample PA Announcements (2024)
Player/Parent Contract
Best Practices for Interscholastic Contests
Thank You Letter to Officials Template
NFHS Sportsmanship Commercial
NFHS Sportsmanship Commercial Widescreen
IHSA Hate Speech & Harassment Policy
Approved and adopted in 2020 by the IHSA Board of Directors, the IHSA Hate Speech & Harassment Policy outlines the procedural actions to be taken by officials and coaches when alleged hate speech and/or harassment is used during a contest.
IHSA Hate Speech & Harassment Policy Video
IHSA Hate Speech & Harassment Flow Chart
IHSA Hate Speech & Harassment Public Service Announcement