IHSA Receives Support From Across The State Following Hearing



IHSA Receives Support From Across The State Following Hearing

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On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) appeared before the Illinois General Assembly’s Elementary & Secondary Education Committee during a scheduled hearing at the Capitol Building in Springfield (read here for more on hearing).

A contingent of nearly 100 individuals attended the meeting in support of the IHSA and support poured out during and after the hearing on social media and in newspapers, radio and television. A select sample of various columns and video are listed below:

Edwardsville Superintendent Dr. Ed Hightower letter

Marlen Garcia column from the Chicago Sun-Times

Chuck Sweeny column from the Rockford Reigster-Star

Les Winkeler column from the Southern Illinoisan

Marty Hickman interview on WJBC

“If we don’t get personnel answers from some of our own agencies, why are we inquiring about personnel matters for the IHSA?” - State Representative Mike Unes during the hearing.

"I’ve worked in six states and I’ve always thought the IHSA did the best job." - Matt Trowbridge, Freeport Journal-Standard

"As it was kept unraveling, I wondered, Why are we here, why are we wasting our time. Why are we putting this private, not-for-profit that schools choose to participate in when they've got a choice (not to) through this?" - State Representative Barbara Wheeler to the Northwest Daily Herald

"I think those guys are fairly paid. I would issue a challenge to all the IHSA detractors to go out and find a guy like Marty Hickman in the $200,000 price range and see what you come up with.” - St. Rita Athletic Director Mike Zunica to the Chicago Sun Times

"The IHSA warrants outside scrutiny. But the General Assembly, which has much more pressing issues, is in no position to provide the microscope. Anybody who watched the proceedings last Tuesday could see that clearly." - Chris Kaergard and Nick Vlahos, Peoria Journal Star

"You spend less than you take in. I wish we could do that here." - State Representative John Cavaletto during the hearing.

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