IHSA Member Schools Approve Special Amendment



IHSA Member Schools Approve Special Amendment

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IHSA member schools voted to approve a proposal after a special referendum election was held from April 8 to May 7 to address an inequity that followed the regular member voting process in January. The proposal, which passed by a vote of 232-to-73 amends By-laws 5.011 and 5.231, addressing season limitations for non-traditional baseball and softball seasons (complete proposal information located below).

In January, IHSA member schools voted to approve 13 proposals, including the elimination or restriction of non-traditional seasons in several sports. During that vote, a proposal was passed that placed restrictions on schools wishing to organize a softball team during the non-traditional fall season. However, a proposal to place similar restrictions on schools wishing to organize a baseball team during the non-traditional fall season was not approved. Citing equity concerns between baseball and softball, the IHSA Board of Directors asked the Legislative Commission to reconvene for a special meeting to bring forth a proposal to the membership that would provide consistency between the non-traditional baseball and softball seasons.

The Legislative Commission held its Special Meeting on April 6, where they brought forth the proposal below. The by-law changes take effect on July 1, 2011.

Special Election  --  2010-11 --  Proposal No. 1

Amend By-law 5.011 – Boys Fall Baseball – Season Limitation
Amend By-law 5.231 – Girls Fall Softball – Season Limitation

Submitted by B. Kent Jones, Official Representative, Breese (Central)

By-law 5.011 to now read:

5.011 Season Limitation

a.            No member school shall organize a Boys Fall Baseball team if it organizes a Football team, or if more than 15 percent of its male student body participates in a cooperative Football program.

b.            No school belonging to this Association shall organize its Boys Fall Baseball teams, practice or participate in interscholastic contests earlier than Monday of Week 7 or later than Saturday of Week 16 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.

c.             A member school may conduct its first interscholastic contest in Boys Fall Baseball no earlier than Monday of Week 8 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.

Revise By-law 5.231 to now read:

5.231 Season Limitation

a.            No member school shall organize a Girls Fall Softball team if it organizes a Girls Volleyball team, or if more than 15 percent of its female student body participates in a cooperative Girls Volleyball program.

b.            No school belonging to this Association shall organize its Girls Fall Softball teams, practice or participate in interscholastic contests earlier than Monday of Week 7 or later than Saturday of Week 16 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.

c.             A member school may conduct its first interscholastic contest in Girls Fall Softball no earlier than Monday of Week 8 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.

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