Ottawa Township Wins IHSA Class 3A/4A Student Section Showdown


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Ottawa Township Wins IHSA Class 3A/4A Student Section Showdown

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Ottawa Township High School was named the winner of the second annual IHSA Class 3A/4A Student Section Showdown on Saturday, March 19, 2016.

Representatives from each of the four Class 3A/4A finalists: Edwardsville, Lincoln-Way West, Ottawa & Prospect (pictured above) – were on hand at the IHSA Class 3A Boys Basketball State Championship game at the Peoria Civic Center’s Carver Arena, where the winner was revealed between quarters.

The Student Section Showdown entries were judged by the IHSA Student Advisory Committee, who graded each submission based on categories that include sportsmanship, spirit, student body participation, and the originality of cheers.

Representing Ottawa Township on Saturday were students Seth Bruck, Blake Burress, Emily Despain, Tayah Guerrero, Kori Heth, Jessica Kuhn, P.J. Schrik and teacher Dan Le (below).

See Ottawa’s winning video submission below:

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