The four finalists in the IHSA Holiday TikTok Challenge presented by Double Good were released on December 10, as online fan voting began and will run through 8:00 AM on December 14. The winning video will receive $500 from Double Good to split among the team and a charity of their choice. Members from each of the finalists met on a virutal call to discuss the contest and the charity they are representing. Watch below, then watch their TikTok videos and vote by clicking here.
Located in Chicagoland and popping 15,000 pounds of handmade, ultra-premium popcorn every day, Double Good is a community of like-minded dreamers, doers, believers, and thinkers committed to helping kids do what they love. A prominent partner in fundraising efforts for youth and high school sports in Illinois and around the country, Double Good’s commitment to helping kids took on additional meaning with the launch of the Double Good Kids Foundation, which provides equipment, education, and experience for kids with special needs. See more on Double Good’s success working with IHSA teams and schools here:
Double Good | Mount Carmel Raised from Double Good on Vimeo.