The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Board of Directors elected Wauconda High School

Principal Dan Klett as the Board President at its regularly scheduled meeting at the IHSA office in Bloomington on Tuesday, October 9, 2012.
In addition, the Board also voted Frankfort (Lincoln-Way North) Principal Dr. Michael Gardner as the Board Vice-President and Aurora (Marmion Academy) Principal Dr. Jim Quaid as the Secretary.
“I am humbled and appreciative of the opportunity to represent the IHSA as the Board President,” said Klett. “The IHSA has the reputation as one of the top state associations in the country and much of that status is derived from the work done by our previous Board members. I have had the privilege of working and learning from many of those dedicated individuals and now hope to provide the same caliber of leadership that they did moving forward.”
Klett becomes the 34th individual to serve as the Association’s Board President since its formation in 1903 and the first in nearly a decade, as he follows Anna (A.-Jonesboro) Principal Jim Woodward, who served in the role the past nine years.
“All of our Board members are incredibly dedicated and selfless individuals,” said IHSA Executive Director Marty Hickman. “Their jobs as high school principals are demanding enough, yet, they volunteer their time to serve the IHSA and be present at so many events. Dan took on a leadership role almost immediately after joining the Board in 2009 and I know he will represent the membership well as the Board President.”
1. The Board approved a recommendation to fill the remaining Legislative Commission vacancies with the principals from the following schools:
Pat Drew, Carlinville
Reid Shipley, Centralia (H.S.)
Bill Olsen, Chicago (Noble Street Charter)
2. The Board approved a recommendation to change the Competitive Dance State Final schedule to allow for seven minutes between each performance, instead of the five minutes that were initially built into the schedule.
Minutes from all Advisory Committees can be viewed by
clicking here.
1. The Board approved the consent items from the Advisory Committees in the following sports & activities: Badminton, Baseball, Bass Fishing, Softball, Track & Field, Water Polo and Officials.
Consent items are recommendations that received approval from the sport/activity advisory committee, the Athletic Administrators Advisory Committee and the IHSA staff. Consent items can be viewed by
clicking here.
Some items of note include:
1. The State Final game schedule will be moved back by a half hour, making the new game times 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
2. Sectional semifinals will be moved to Tuesday and Wednesday, after being played on Wednesday and Thursday previously.
Bass Fishing
1. Three Sectional lakes will be added in the spring of 2013, bringing the total number of Sectional lakes to 22 and the number of state qualifying boats to 66.
Non-consent items that were approved by the Board included:
1. Raised the number of players allowed in uniform during the State Series to 27.
1. The Board sustained the Executive Director’s ruling on a student from Tuscola. The student was ruled ineligible for non-compliance with IHSA By-laws 3.030 and 3.040.
2. The Board sustained the Executive Director’s ruling on a student from Chicago (Marist). The student was ruled ineligible for non-compliance with IHSA By-laws 3.040 and its sub-sections.
3. The Board sustained the Executive Director’s ruling on a student from Rock Island (Alleman). The student was ruled ineligible for non-compliance with IHSA By-laws 3.030 and 3.040.
At each meeting of the Board of Directors, there are certain items the Board discusses, but upon which no action is taken. The following is a report of those items from the October 9, 2012, agenda:
1. The Executive Director welcomed two new Board members, Breese (Central) Principal B. Kent Jones representing Division 7 and Maroa (M.-Forsyth) Principal Scott Adreon representing Division 5.
2. The Executive Director updated the Board on the Association’s role at the upcoming IPA Conference.
3. The Executive Director updated the Board on the NFHS Section IV meeting that was held in Michigan on September 20-21.
4. The Executive Director and Assistant Executive Director Craig Anderson presented recommendations from the Ad-Hoc Committee on Residence and Transfer.
5. The Executive Director updated the Board on all of the proposals that have been submitted for the upcoming legislative process, as well as the upcoming IADA Division Meetings and the Town Meetings/Principals Rules Meetings.
6. Associate Executive Director Kurt Gibson updated the Board on the New Principals/Administrators Workshop that was held at the IHSA office on October 5.
7. Associate Executive Director Kurt Gibson updated the Board on the first meeting of the Disabled Athletes Advisory Committee.