The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Board of Directors met at its regularly scheduled meeting at the IHSA office in Bloomington on Monday, December 15, 2014, where the Board approved the creation of the new
IHSA Student Section Showdown contest.
The IHSA Student Section Showdown was an idea born from the IHSA Student Advisory Committee (SAC) that pits student sections from the around the state against one another to see who has the best spirit and sportsmanship. Student sections will have the remainder of the 2014-15 basketball season to submit a video (up to three minutes) that shows their student section in action during a game.
“The Student Advisory Committee believes strongly in the concept of the IHSA Student Section Showdown contest,” said IHSA Assistant Executive Director Beth Sauser. “We expect it to galvanize student bodies and reiterate how important they are to their schools. Hopefully it helps get more students to attend games or re-energize some student sections who haven’t been as active in recent years.”
Submissions must be uploaded to YouTube by February 6, 2015. The submissions will be judged by the SAC and representatives from the finalists will be invited to the IHSA Boys Basketball State Finals, where the winners will be revealed.
“Most importantly, it will be a great platform to promote sportsmanship,” said Sauser. “There are many student sections that actively plan and promote on social media, and several claim to be the best in Illinois. It’s time to find out who is right.”
Click here for full IHSA Student Section Showdown Rules
1. The Board approved a recommendation to update the Board Hearing Procedures for appeals.
2. The Board approved a proposal submitted by Arlington Heights (St. Viator) to amend the definition of “Tournament” per the IHSA handbook. The amended language will require that a tournament be played over 10 consecutive weekdays.
3. The Board affirmed that a private school enrolling a home schooled student must charge the student tuition consistent with the amount of credit earned at the school if the student represents the school in interscholastic contests.
1. The Board modified the Executive Director’s ruling on a student from Chicago (St. Francis de Sales). The student was ruled ineligible for non-compliance with IHSA By-law 3.043.3. The student is now immediately eligible.
2. The Board sustained the Executive Director’s ruling on a student from New Lenox (Providence Catholic). The student was ruled ineligible for non-compliance with IHSA By-law 3.043.3.
3. The Board sustained the Executive Director’s ruling on a student from Rockford (R. Christian). The student was ruled ineligible for non-compliance with IHSA By-law 3.043.3.
4. The Board sustained the Executive Director’s ruling on a student from Champaign (St. Thomas More). The student was ruled ineligible for non-compliance with IHSA By-law 3.043.3.
At each meeting of the Board of Directors, there are certain items the Board discusses, but upon which no action is taken. The following is a report of those items from the December 15, 2014, agenda:
1. The IHSA Executive Director recognized Jacobs High School’s
Lauren Van Vlierbergen, who was named a Wendy’s High School Heisman National winner at a ceremony in New York City on December 12, 2014.
2. The Board reviewed the recommendations that were recently released by the NFHS Concussion Task Force. The Board also heard a report that the IHSA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee and Football Advisory Committee have also reviewed the recommendations and will collaborate to bring forward recommendations on potential adoptions based on the findings of the
NFHS Concussion Task Force.
3. The Board heard a report from the Executive Director on the annual Town Hall/Principals Rules Meetings that were held at 28 high schools during November. The Board also reviewed and heard from the Executive Director on the feedback collected from the Principals Rules Meetings presentations on the changes related to the success formula and multiplier waivers that will begin in 2015-16.
4. The Board heard a report from the Executive Director on the action taken by the Legislative
Commission at its second meeting on November 24. The Commission voted to move six proposals forward to the all-school ballot. Each member school can cast its vote online between
December 1 and December 30.
Click here for a list of the six proposals that were moved forward to the all-school ballot.
5. Several members of the IHSA staff will attend January’s Let’s Connect meeting in Naperville, where staff from Midwest state associations will meet to discuss topical issues.
6. The Board heard a report from the Executive Director on the annual Eight States Meeting that was held in Chicago last week for Executive Directors from several Midwest states.