Over 50,000 online votes were cast on the IHSA website and social media en route to crowning the Andrew High School's Girls Volleyball team the winner of the inaugural IHSA Holiday TikTok Challenge!. The Thunderbolts won $250 for their program and a $250 donation to the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital from Double Good. David Lenti, Vice President of Partnerships for High Schools at Double Good, made the initial announcement via video below…
The IHSA and Double Good would like to once again say THANK YOU to all the teams who participated and fans who took the time to vote. We appreciate Double Good sponsoring this event to help bring some holiday cheer and benefit a worthy cause like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Check out the video below to see how Double Good can help your team fundraising. Then see some of the highlights from the IHSA Holiday TikTok Challenge…
****IHSA Holiday TikTok Challenge****
Located in Chicagoland and popping 15,000 pounds of handmade, ultra-premium popcorn every day, Double Good is a community of like-minded dreamers, doers, believers, and thinkers committed to helping kids do what they love. A prominent partner in fundraising efforts for youth and high school sports in Illinois and around the country, Double Good’s commitment to helping kids took on additional meaning with the launch of the Double Good Kids Foundation, which provides equipment, education, and experience for kids with special needs. See more on Double Good’s success working with IHSA teams and schools here:
Double Good | Mount Carmel Raised from Double Good on Vimeo.