Chloe Tjarks

WilliamsChloe Tjarks

"It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be!"


School: Gibson City Melvin-Sibley (GCMS)

IHSA Sports/Activities: Volleyball & Cheerleading

School/Community Activities: FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), Student Council, Interact, Newspaper Club, Yearbook Club & Impact

Accomplishments I'm Proud Of: Freshman of the Year (2023), Sophomore of the Year (2024), Service Award (Cheerleading)

Fun Fact: I am an only child & neat freak!

Who is your hero, and why? My hero is my dad because he inspires me to be the best version of myself by serving his community & being passionate for the things he loves most!

Goals for the Year: Become a better version of yourself & gain more confidence in the activities I am involved in!