Page 38 - Sports Officials Handbook
P. 38
6.051 All contracts between schools and officials shall be written on the Contract for Officials form supplied by the Board of Directors through the IHSA Office. The Terms and Conditions of these contracts should be scrupulously observed.
6.052 If, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, the contract has been broken by the school and no forfeit has been named in the contract, the penalty shall consist of an amount not to be in excess of the contractual sum to be paid the official, plus a breach fee of $10.
6.053 If, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, the contract has been broken by the official, the penalty shall consist of an amount not to exceed the entire cost of employing a substitute official, plus a breach fee of $10.
6.054 If, in the judgment of the school or official, there are extenuating conditions, a hearing may be held. Written request for such hearing must be submitted to the Executive Director, who shall be responsible for conducting an investigation and hearing.
6.055 If an official’s contract is made during a given school year for a contest to be played during the next school year and if, in the meantime, there is a change in the school principalship, the contract is valid only if and when the incoming principal has been notified of the existing contract and has sanctioned it or has failed to inform the official of cancellation within one week after the notification.
Officials will receive the fee listed in the Terms and Conditions for all State Tournament contests except for the following conditions:
A. An official is notified before arriving at the site — No compensation
B. An official arrives at the site, and the contest is suspended/cancelled before it begins:
• A show up fee is provided to the official which is one half of the game fee • Mileage reimbursement for miles over 70 round trip
C. Contest is started, and then is suspended until the next day:
• Official gets full fee for the partial game and then a full fee for the completion of the game the next day.
• Mileage reimbursement for miles over 70 round trip
Rule Interpreters Fee:
• $50 per meeting plus mileage
• Note: any overnight must be approved by IHSA • Mileage will be paid