Page 29 - Sports Officials Handbook
P. 29
M. Track & Field (B & G)
1. Starter’s sleeve must be a solid color: red, yellow or orange.
2. White collared shirts, short or long sleeved.
3. Blue, black, khaki or gray pants, no jeans or sweat pants.
4. Blue jacket with a red, yellow, or orange sleeve customized to the coat, or a
plain blue jacket with a separate starter’s sleeve.
5. Blue or red sports coat may be worn, tie is optional.
6. If not acting as the starter or referee, wear apparel provided by the meet
management or white shirt with pants as in No. 3.
N. Volleyball (B & G)
1. An all-white, cyan blue, or light gray short-sleeved, collared polo shirt with 2 or 3 buttons that match the color of the shirt. The shirt may or may not have a pocket. The shirt must be tucked in.
2. A long sleeve white shirt worn under the short sleeve polo may be worn on cold days.
3. If officials wear a sweater or jacket before the match, it should match the Uniform.
4. All Black Slacks. (Warm ups, corduroy or denim jeans are prohibited)
5. Solid black shoes and solid black socks
6. The IHSA official patch must be worn on the left sleeve 2-3 inches below the
shoulder line. State final officials patches must be worn below the IHSA official patch. The 2x3 American flag, if worn, must be on the Right sleeve 2 inches below the shoulder line.
7. Whistle: clear tone.
8. Line-Up Cards/Pen/Pencil
9. Set of Yellow & Red Cards
10. Coin
11. Watch
O. Water Polo (B & G)
1. White slacks or long white shorts;
2. White collared shirt (front pocket recommended);
3. White socks and white tennis shoes with minimum accent colors.
NOTE: Whenever possible, officials in a given contest should wear the same attire.
P. Wrestling
1. Standard black and white short-sleeved knit shirt or a gray shirt with black pinstripes;
2. Black full-length trousers and black belt;
3. Black gym shoes and socks;
4. Coin, colored disk and a black whistle;
5. Red and green arm bands.
6. Wrestling officials should not wear watches or jewelry.