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Administrative Procedures, Guidelines and Policies
These administrative procedures, guidelines and policies are for use during the 2021-22 IHSA school term only. They shall be superseded by a subsequent publication of the policies and are not applicable to any year subsequent to the 2021-22 IHSA school term. In the case of any conflict, whether actual or believed, with the constitution or by-laws of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws shall control. Any understanding, misunderstanding, opinion or belief by any individual as a result of reading these policies shall not be binding on the IHSA. Official rulings shall be requested in writing only by the principal or designated official representative of a member school and shall be provided in writing by the Executive Director. Only a formal ruling from the Executive Director is binding on the IHSA.
Administrative Procedures, Guidelines and Policies
1. Philosophy Underlying Eligibility By-laws
2. Eligibility Rulings from IHSA
3. Eligibility of Emancipated
4. Foreign Exchange and International Student Eligibility
5. Approved Foreign Exchange Programs
21. Alcoholic Beverages and IHSA State Series Events 22. Criteria for Selection of Sites for IHSA Meets and
6. Strike Policy
7. Making the Weekly Eligibility Check
8. Sanction Policy
9. Non-Faculty Coach Policy
10. Policy for Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
11. College Auditions
12. School Equipment Use Policy
13. Football Policies
14. Guidelines for Adding and Deleting State Series Programs
15. Guidelines for Non-School Competition
16. Emerging Sports
17. Classification System
18. Grouping and Seeding State Tournament Series
19. Criteria for Increasing Classes
20. Approved School Policy
23. IHSA Performance-Enhancing Drug Testing Policy 24. Public Information Policies
25. Code of Conduct
26. Application for Approval of Cooperative Team
27. Statement Regarding Non-Discrimination
28. Entry Policy and Procedures
29. Prayer at IHSA State Series Contests
30. Affirmative Action Policy
31. Trademark Use and Royalty Policy
32. Corporate Sponsorship Policy
33. IHSA Member School Publicity Policy
34. Policy and School Recommendations for Transgender
The policies pertaining to the news media, photography, credentials, broadcasting and television are available in a separate PDF located in the Administration and Media sections on the IHSA website ( Sport-specific media information will continue to be available to host schools in the Manual for Managers.
1. Philosophy Underlying IHSA Eligibility Rules
IHSA by-laws provide the standard by which the Executive Director is authorized to rule in determining eligibility. Following is a brief resume of the principle points of philosophy which underscore the rules of the Association:
1. Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege provided for students who meet democratically established standards for qualification.
2. Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege which should fundamentally be available to bona fide students in school districts where they live full time with their parents, custodial parent or legal guardian appointed by a court of proper jurisdiction.
3. Standards governing eligibility are a necessary prerequisite to participation in interscholastic athletics, because:
a. they protect the opportunities of bona fide resident students to participate;
b. they provide a fundamentally fair and equitable framework in which interscholastic athletic competition in an
35. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Policy 36. Managing Heat and Heat Illness
37. Baseball Pitch Count Guidelines
38. Fall Sport Acclimatization
educational setting can take place;
c. they provide uniform standards for all schools to follow in maintaining equitable athletic competition;
d. they support the education philosophy that athletics is a privilege which must not be permitted to assume a dominant
position in a school’s program;
e. they keep the focus of educators and students on the fact that students attend school to receive an education first and
participate in athletics second;
f. they maintain the fundamental principle that a high school student should live at home with the parents and attend
school in the school district in which the parents/guardians live;
g. they reinforce the view that the family is a strong and viable unit in our society, and as such, is the best place for
students to live while attending high school;
h. they prevent “district hopping” or “shopping around” for schools or athletic programs which may suit an individual’s
personal interests;
i. they serve as a deterrent to individuals who would seek to recruit student-athletes to attend a particular school for the
purpose of building athletic strength;