Page 75 - Demo
P. 75
Season Limitation
Pre-Season Practice Requirements:
5.073 Contest Limitation
Season Limitation
Contest Limitation
Season Limitation
Contest Limitations
No school belonging to this Association shall organize its Boys Football teams, practice or participate in interscholastic contests earlier than Monday of Week 6 or later than Saturday of Week 21 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.
A member school may conduct its first interscholastic contest in Boys Football no earlier than Thursday of Week 8 (for non-varsity contests only) or Friday of Week 8 (for all other contests) in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.
a. b.
A student shall become eligible to participate in an interscholastic contest or scrimmage in Boys Football after completing a minimum of 1 1/2 hours of actual field practice on twelve (12) different days excluding Sunday and any day on which the student actually plays in an interscholastic football contest. These practices must be conducted in accordance with Association By-laws.
No Boys Football team representing a member school shall, in any one season, participate in more than nine (9) games exclusive of the IHSA series and exclusive of the City of Chicago Prep Bowl series, participated in by the Chicago Public League and the Chicago Catholic League, and I8FA playoff series, participated in by members of the Illinois 8-Man Football Association.
No school belonging to this Association shall organize its Boys Fall Golf teams, practice or participate in interscholastic contests earlier than Monday of Week 6 or later than Saturday of Week 15 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.
A member school may conduct its first interscholastic contest in Boys Fall Golf no earlier than Thursday of Week 6 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.
a. b.
No Boys Fall Golf team representing a member school shall, in any one season, participate on more than eighteen (18) dates exclusive of the IHSA series.
No school belonging to this Association shall organize its Boys Gymnastics teams, practice or participate in interscholastic contests earlier than Monday of Week 33 or later than Saturday of Week 47 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.
A member school may conduct its first interscholastic contest in Boys Gymnastics no earlier than Monday of Week 35 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar.
Team: No Boys Gymnastics team representing a member school shall, in any one season, participate on more than fifteen (15) dates exclusive of the IHSA series.
Individual: No individual shall compete in Boys Gymnastics on more than fifteen (15) dates exclusive of the IHSA series.