Page 69 - Demo
P. 69
Q. Is it permissible for a coach to play with or against students from his/her own school during out-of-season open gym programs?
A. Yes. (By-law 3.161)
The IHSA Board of Directors has the complete authority to establish and implement policies to determine the number of classes of competition in IHSA sports and activities and to classify schools participating in such sports/activities except as follows:
An enrollment multiplier of 1.65 will be added to all non-boundaried schools unless application of this multiplier is waived under a policy of waiver which would be established by the Board of Directors.
The definition of a non-boundaried school is: Any private school, charter school, lab school, magnet school, residential school, and any public school in a multi-high school district that does not accept students from a fixed portion of the district.
There will be a sub-committee comprised of IHSA staff and Legislative Commission members to develop the waiver policy for submission to the Board.
3.171 Any member public member school charging less than the full tuition rate authorized by the Illinois School Code will be considered a non-boundaried school for classification purposes.
Included in this Section:
4.000 Activity Eligibility By-laws 4.010 Attendance
4.020 Scholastic Standing
4.030 Participation Limitations 4.040 Age
4.050 Use of Assumed Name
4.060 Misbehavior During Activities 4.070 Use of Participants
4.080 Spirit Limitations
Students in member schools shall be eligible to participate in interscholastic activity contests as representatives of their schools provided:
4.011 A student must attend a member school and may only represent in interscholastic competition the member school the student attends. For purposes of this by-law, the term “attend” shall mean that the student is enrolled at the member school and is taking at, or under arrangements approved by, the member school, a minimum of twenty-five (25) credit hours of work for which credit toward high school graduation will be granted by the member school upon the student’s completing and passing the courses. The school which enrolls the student shall be exclusively responsible to verify the student’s compliance with all of the eligibility requirements of the by-laws.
The Board of Directors shall have discretion to waive this requirement of this by-law for the Illinois schools for the deaf or blind. In unit systems having a 6-3-3 or 6-4-2 type of organization, ninth grade students may participate on senior high school teams at the member high school in the district designated by the Board of Education, provided:
(a) such participation is approved by the district’s superintendent of schools;
(b) the senior high school principal shall certify that the ninth grade students:
(1) are eligible under the requirements of these By-laws;
(2) are students at a junior high school located in the district which supports the senior high school; and (3) are not members of a grade or junior high school team in the same activity; and
(c) the senior high school principal assumes full responsibility for the conduct of these students during all contests in which they represent the senior high school.
4.012 They shall have been enrolled and in attendance not later than the beginning of the eleventh school day of the semester. Exception may be considered only if written verification that delay in enrollment or attendance is caused by illness of the students or their immediate family or by other circumstances deemed acceptable by the Board of Directors which are submitted to the Executive Director for presentation to the Board of Directors.