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that order and other evidence the court had to determine appointment of the guardianship, must be attached to each request for an eligibility ruling involving a change in legal guardianship. (By-laws 3.030 and its sub-sections and 3.040 and its sub-sections)
Q. If a student’s parents do not reside in the district and the student is a tuition paying nonresident at the high school he/she attends, is the student eligible?
A. Such a student may only be eligible when the student lives full time with his/her parents and has attended a public grade school in the same high school district for at least the 7th and 8th grades as a tuition-paying nonresident student; otherwise, the student is ineligible for a period not to exceed 365 days. (By-law 3.031.2)
Q. What is the eligibility status of a student who takes part in a shared-time instructional program at two or more schools?
A. Such student will be eligible at his/her home high school, provided he/she is enrolled there, all credit earned at other attendance centers is recorded toward graduation from the home high school, and the student is meeting all the IHSA academic and other eligibility requirements. (By-laws 3.011 & 3.031.1)
Q. May a special education student, who is enrolled at a member high school but participates in a special education program at an area cooperative center or school location assigned by the Special Education Cooperative, make an annual choice of the school at which he/she will be a participant in interscholastic athletics?
A. Yes. Students from member high schools assigned to special education centers or other locations may be eligible to participate either at the school housing the student’s classes or at their home high school. At the beginning of each school term, such students must determine the site at which they wish to participate during that year. They are then eligible, in regard to residence and attendance, for that year only at the school chosen, and any change constitutes a transfer subject to compliance with all by-laws. (By-laws 3.011 & 3.031.1)
The eligibility of a student who transfers attendance from one high school to another high school is subject to the following Sections 3.041-3.047 and their sub-sections. Such student must additionally be in compliance with the applicable residency provisions of By-laws 3.031-3.034 and their respective sub-sections after the transfer. Except as provided in Section 6.010 of these by-laws, a student who does not comply with the applicable provisions of Sections 3.041-3.047 of these by-laws and their sub- sections shall be ineligible for a period not to exceed 365 days.
3.041 In all transfer cases, both the principal of the school from which the student transfers and the school to which the student transfers must approve of the transfer and execute a form provided by the IHSA Office. This form is to be initiated and signed by the principal of the school to which the student transfers and provided to the principal of the school from which the student transfers for signature by that principal. The concurrence of the principals accepting a transfer shall not be determinative of eligibility or binding on the Executive Director and/or the Board of Directors who shall have the discretion to investigate the accuracy of such conclusion and to override the acceptance of a transfer if evidence of violation or avoidance of non- compliance with any by-law, or recruiting in connection with the transfer is found. A student is not eligible to participate in an interscholastic contest until the transfer form, fully executed by both principals, is on file in the offices of the school to which the student transfers.
3.042 After the official start date of an IHSA sport season for the current school year, if a student changes attendance from that high school to another high school, the student shall be ineligible for the remainder of the school year in any sport in which he/she participated or was participating in a practice or interscholastic contest in the current school year at the school from which the transfer occurs; or
Once classes begin in a school for the current school year, if a student changes attendance from that high school to another high school, the student shall be ineligible for a period of thirty days, commencing on the first day of attendance at the new high school, in any sport in which he/she was not participating or had not participated during the current school year at the school from which the student transferred.
3.043 In addition, a student who transfers attendance from one high school to another high school pursuant to these by-laws, shall be ineligible unless:
3.043.1 The student transfers attendance in conjunction with a change in residence by both the student and his or her parents, custodial parent, surviving parent (in the case of a student with one deceased parent), or guardian from one public high school district to a different public high school district; or