Page 36 - Demo
P. 36
(4) Whenever the host school cancels a legal contract because of the visiting school’s request, only the host school negotiates with the official in resolving the terms of the contract. The host school makes the payment for the contractual fee.
(5) If the official is cancelled because of the visiting school’s request, the visiting school must reimburse the host school for the contracted fee. The host school will then reimburse the official.
(6) If By-law 2.080 is not complied with by the host school, then all obligations in contractual matters must be assumed by the host school.
(7) The contract must be valid in all aspects and both parties must comply with all of its provisions.
Q. Who are “major officials” as identified in this by-law?
A. The Board of Directors interprets “major officials” to be officials who are required to be licensed with the Association
in order to receive remuneration for their services. They include: (By-law 2.080) Basketball—Referee, Umpire
Swimming—Referee, Starter, Diving Referee
Track & Field—Referee, Starter, Referee-Starter
Boys Baseball—Umpire
Boys Football—Linesman, Umpire, Line Judge, Back Judge, Referee Boys Gymnastics—Judge
Boys Wrestling—Referee, Assistant Referee
Girls Gymnastics—Judge
Girls Softball—Umpire
Volleyball—Referee, Umpire
Competitive Cheerleading—Judge
Competitive Dance—Judge
Cross Country—Referee-Starter
Q. According to this By-law, the names of officials for a contest must be provided to visiting schools at least five days prior to the contest. How is this notice to be provided?
A. Space is provided for this purpose on IHSA game contract forms. A host school may also notify the visiting school by letter or fax, and receive a letter or fax in response giving approval by the visiting school. Acceptance of a contract containing names of officials, or failure to reject officials in writing, shall constitute approval of officials. (By-law 2.080)
Q. What should schools do if the licensed officials who are contracted for a contest do not appear?
A. A varsity contest may be played only if licensed officials can be obtained. However, for a below-varsity level contest, members of the coaching staff, faculty and/or administrative staff from any of the competing schools may officiate
the contest.
No school belonging to this Association shall organize its teams, practice, scrimmage or participate in any interscholastic sport outside of the season limitations as prescribed in Section 5.000 of these By-Laws; nor shall any person who coaches any sport at a member school, coach or supervise a non-school team in any interscholastic sport composed of students from that school, except within the guidelines promulgated by the IHSA Board of Directors.
Exception: For each sport, a school may hold one informational meeting prior to the start of its season to provide information regarding tryouts, procedures and forms that need to be on file. Coaches or school personnel may not use this meeting to organize out of season programs (example: fall, winter or spring leagues).
Illustrations for Section 2.090 of the Constitution
The illustrations and situations it contains are for purposes of assisting in understanding the application of the particular by-law to which they pertain. In the case of any conflict, whether actual or believed, between the illustrations, examples or situations in this publication and the constitution or by-laws of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws shall control.
Q. Is a scrimmage considered to be a practice or an interscholastic contest?
A. If a scrimmage involves exclusively students from one high school, it is considered to be practice. If a scrimmage
involves students from more than one high school, it is viewed to be an interscholastic contest and is subject to all rules pertaining thereto. (Constitution 1.420 & By-law 2.090)