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Girls Basketball; In the event one or more of the schools involved in the cooperative is a public non-boundary school, that school’s actual enrollment, not multiplied enrollment is used to determine the eligibility of the cooperative team request.
(c) Only private schools with non multiplied enrollments of 200 or less are eligible to form cooperative teams.
(d) The combined enrollments of all schools involved in the cooperative team, calculated according to the IHSA
Classification System, is utilized to determine the classification for the cooperative team;
(e) The cooperative sponsorship agreement is established for a period of two consecutive school years;
(f) The governing boards of all schools participating in the cooperative team agreement jointly make the application to
the IHSA Board of Directors for approval of the cooperative team agreement; (g) The joint application includes:
(1) Written approval from the conference(s) of which the cooperating schools are members, and/or in which the cooperative team will participate, or, in the event the cooperative team will not be affiliated with a conference, written approval from a minimum of seven schools included in the cooperative team’s schedule of competition;
(2) A statement signed by the principals of all cooperating schools designating the name under which the cooperative team will compete;
(3) A report of the number of students from each of the cooperative schools expected to participate on the cooperative team;
(4) A report of the number of students, if any, from each of the cooperating schools who have been participating in the sport involved, in programs offered on a non-cooperative basis by their own schools;
(5) A statement expressing the reasons for the formation of a cooperative team;
(6) Written assurance that the cooperative team will not limit participation opportunities for students in any
of the cooperating schools.
When a cooperative team completes two years of approved operation and the boards of education involved wish to renew the agreement for another two-year period, the involved school(s) shall submit to the IHSA, by the established date, notification that they wish to continue the cooperative with no changes and written approval from the conference.
Illustrations for Section 2.030 of the Constitution
The illustrations and situations it contains are for purposes of assisting in understanding the application of the particular by-law to which they pertain. In the case of any conflict, whether actual or believed, between the illustrations, examples or situations in this publication and the constitution or by-laws of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws shall control.
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According to the by-law, “conference approval” is required for each cooperative team. What constitutes “conference
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granting formal approval by the conference to the formation of a cooperative team involving one or more of its member schools. On the application form for IHSA approval of each cooperative team, conference presidents of involved conferences will be required to sign certification of conference approval and indicate the method of voting used by the conference in determining approval. (Constitution 1.420 & By-law 2.030)
What requirements do schools which establish cooperative agreements have to meet in respect to defining the
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team in order to delineate provisions for insurance, coaching personnel and compensation, liability, facilities, equipment, etc. (By-law 2.030) This agreement may be designed like the intergovernmental agreement authorized under the provisions of Section 10-22.31(a) of the School Code of Illinois.
If a school adds a boys sport team by formation of cooperative teams, must it also add a girls sport team to its
A. “Conference approval” is a formal, voted-upon action by a conference, according to its own method of voting,
administrative details of a cooperative team?
A. Boards of Education must adopt an agreement with the other district(s) involved in the formation of a cooperative
A. Simply adding a team for one gender of student by forming a cooperative does not require corresponding action to
add a team for the other gender of students. However, schools are bound by the provisions of the State Sex Equity Rules, published by the State Board of Education. Questions in respect to these rules and the implications of cooperative teams in light of them should be referred to the State Board of Education. (By-law 2.030)
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A. Yes. However, cooperative teams formed with either out-of-state or other non-member schools may not compete
against IHSA member schools. Therefore, if a school located along the state border forms a co-op team with a school in a neighboring state, it may compete only with schools in that state or schools which are not members of the Illinois High School Association. (By-law 2.030)
May cooperative teams be formed with out-of-state schools?
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A. No. (By-law 2.030)
May cooperative teams be formed with non-IHSA member schools from Illinois?
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A. No. (By-law 2.030)
May a school form more than one cooperative team in the same sport?