Page 124 - Demo
P. 124
Managing Heat and Heat Illness, continued
6. Reduce time of outside activity as well as indoor activity if air conditioning is unavailable.
7. Consider postponing activity to later in the day or another day (with approval from IHSA Administration)
8. If practicing, maximum of 1 hour of training/practice while temperature is in this range.
ii. Contact sports and activities with additional protective equipment (in addition to the above measures)
1. Helmets and other possible equipment removed if not involved in activity or necessary for safety. If necessary for
safety, suspend activity.
iii. Recheck air temperature and humidity every 30 minutes to monitor for increased heat conditions.
e. 90 degrees F as measured by WBGT
i. All sports
1. No training/competition
2. Cancel and/or postpone activity to cooler time of the day
NOTE: While most attention will be given to outdoor sports in the fall and spring, indoor venues/facilities (gymnasiums, wrestling rooms, and swimming/diving facilities) that are not air conditioned should not be neglected for the purposes of this policy. Additionally, sometimes conditions will vary for different aspects of the same competition. For example, one part of a cross-country course may be hotter or more humid than other parts. The best course of action for managers is to take a WBGT reading at the place of the most severe conditions.
Table 2. Estimate WBGT from ambient temperature and relative humidity assuming full sun conditions
Cooling Methods Due to Heat Related Illness
Exertional heat stroke (EHS) is relatively uncommon among exercise associated medical conditions, but is a frequent cause of exercise related death. The majority of evidence shows that early institution of body cooling is the most effective method of decreasing mortality in EHS. The following contains recommendations regarding the methods of body cooling, including tubs, ice bags, iced towels (towels with water that have been frozen) water, fans, and shade. The recommendations are classified as essential (foundational to the implementation of treatment, should have resources and personnel directed towards implementation), and desirable (important in maximal implementation, should have resources and personnel directed towards implementation as budget and resources allow). The recommendations are only guidelines, are not intended as a standard of care, and should not be considered as such. These guidelines should only be considered in the care of athletes who can be expected to be at risk of EHS due to the sport or the environmental situation of the activity. Sports especially at risk include football with and without equipment, soccer, and long distance track. Other sports and activities, such as cycling, golf, baseball, tennis, track and field, and band, may also be at risk due to long duration exposure to extreme environmental conditions.
It is essential that member schools and school administrators/officials:
• Establish a written plan coordinated with local EMS for emergency treatment of EHS that includes transport to a hospital and
conduct drills in the implementation of the plan as practicable.
• Know how to assess environmental conditions and determine when extreme conditions exist.
• Identify a specific spot at the athletic facility that has shade.
• Have immediate access to ice and bags to contain ice.
• Have access to water, and provide water breaks as outlined in the IHSA Managing Heat and Humidity Policy. • Know the most effective sites for application of ice to the body.