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3. Policies Regarding On-line Entry
28. Entry Policy and Procedures
1. The Entry Policy and Procedures for all IHSA sports and activities shall be posted in the Schools Center on the IHSA website for all IHSA member schools. The Entry Policy and Procedures shall contain instructions for entering state series, policies and procedures.
2. Schools entering a state series event agree to participate in accordance with and abide by all the Terms and Conditions for the sport or activity as approved by the IHSA Board of Directors in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of the Illinois High School Association.
(a) Three deadline dates have been established for entries.
(1) You may elect to enter IHSA sports or activities by season. On-line entry deadlines are below:
Fall - the first Friday after Labor Day Winter - November 1
Spring - February 1; or
(2) You may elect to enter all IHSA sports or activities for the entire school term. Note: The fall entry deadline is the first Friday after Labor Day.
(b) Schools must use the on-line procedures to enter IHSA sports or activities. Only the Principal/Official Representative has access to this database using an exclusive password.
(c) On-line entry must be complete no later than the deadline dates listed above. Any attempt to enter a sport or activity on- line after the established deadlines will be denied. Schools that wish to enter late need to have approval from the IHSA administrative officer for that sport or activity.
4. Schools can check the status of entries for all IHSA sports and activities at the Schools Center area of the IHSA web site. On- line entry for an approved cooperative team must be completed by the Principal/Official Representative of the designated host school.
5. Prior to each original entry deadline date, the Principal/Official Representative of each school entered in a sport or activity last year and from which an entry has not yet been completed on-line will be notified by mail. This contact is to serve as a final reminder about the original entry deadline date.
6. Policies Regarding Late Entries
(a) Any attempt to enter a sport or activity on-line after the established deadlines will be denied. Schools that wish to enter after the deadline will be considered late. To be considered for late entry, the Principal/Official Representative must contact the IHSA administrative officer in charge of that sport or activity.
(b) The penalty for a late entry in an athletic state tournament or meet series shall be the payment of $100 for that sport by the school.
(c) The penalty for a late entry in an activity state contest shall be the payment of $100 for that activity by the school.
(d) A school may be permitted to enter a sport or activity any time as a late entry before the beginning of the tournament series
(1) The IHSA administrative officer in charge of the sport or activity determines whether or not the late entry can be
(2) The school agrees to follow whatever special provisions might be necessary to accommodate the late entry; and,
(3) The schools Principal/Official Representative must send written notice of entry to the IHSA office upon approval to
enter from the IHSA Administrator of that sport. 7. Policies Regarding Late Withdrawals
(a) Breach of Contract By-law 6.041
(1) To withdraw without penalty, the Principal must notify the IHSA Office, in writing, of the school’s withdrawal from
the respective sport prior to the seeding meeting and/or the date the List of Participants is due for that sport.
(2) If a school withdraws after the seeding meeting/list of participants due date but before the first competition, the school will be charged a $100 penalty and, if applicable, the cost of game officials and the host school guarantee provided
for in the Terms and Conditions.
(3) If a school does not officially withdraw prior to the first competition and/or does not show up for competition, the
school will be charged a $100 penalty, the cost of game officials and the host school guarantee according to the Terms
and Conditions for the respective sport.
(4) In all activity state contests, schools that have an entry in an activity and withdraw that entry will be responsible to
pay a penalty of $100 for late withdrawal in that activity, unless the Principal/Official Representative notifies the IHSA Office of the withdrawal, in writing or by telephone pending receipt of written withdrawal, prior to the withdrawal deadline date included in the Terms and Conditions for that activity.