Boys Wrestling Season Summaries
Season summaries include titles won (and the class they were won in), final place in state, final won-lost record, and head coach for all seasons submitted by the school or gathered from IHSA records.
A few titles are missing (complete list of missing titles). Changes and additions to these records may be made by school personnel through the IHSA Schools Center.
Key to titles: Ddistrict, Rregional, Ssectional, Usuper-sectional, Qteam qualifier for state finals, PChicago Public League champion (only when an automatic qualifier to the state finals).
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
1 |
Foster McCarthy |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
2 |
5 |
2 |
Wirt Downing |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |
3 |
Louis Slimmer |
Lawrenceville |
4 |
Bob Emmons |
Granite City |
S |
5 |
9 |
1 |
Lawrence MacAuley |
Urbana (H.S.) |
6 |
David Busey |
Berwyn-Cicero (Morton) |
7 |
Joseph Ondrus |
Geneva |
8 |
Carl Nelson |
Madison |
8 |
Blue Island |
10 |
Clarence Blunk |
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |
1 |
Louis Slimmer |
Chicago (Tilden) |
2 |
Bob Hicks |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
3 |
Foster McCarty |
Lawrenceville |
3 |
Bob Emmons |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
S |
5 |
8 |
0 |
Wirt Downing |
Chicago (Bowen) |
6 |
LaGrange (Lyons) |
7 |
Olmstead |
Urbana (H.S.) |
8 |
Max Paris |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
S |
9 |
5 |
1 |
Ken Greene |
Blue Island |
10 |
Clarence Blunk |
Stockton |
S |
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |
1 |
Louis Slimmer |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
2 |
Roy Swindell |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
S |
3 |
6 |
0 |
Wirt Downing |
Urbana (H.S.) |
4 |
Lewis Stephens |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
S |
5 |
6 |
2 |
Ken Greene |
Berwyn-Cicero (Morton) |
6 |
Bill Hedtke |
Blue Island |
7 |
Clarence Blunk |
Danville (H.S.) |
8 |
Lester Bandy |
Granite City |
8 |
5 |
2 |
Don Kienlen |
Belleville (Twp.) |
10 |
2 |
4 |
Walter Rauth |
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |
1 |
Louis Slimmer |
Chicago (Tilden) |
2 |
Bob Hicks |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
3 |
Roy Swindell |
Granite City |
S |
4 |
8 |
0 |
Ted Seabrooke |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
4 |
5 |
4 |
Ken Greene |
Galesburg (H.S.) |
6 |
Cliff Van Dyke |
Berwyn-Cicero (Morton) |
7 |
E. M. Wojciechowski |
Chicago (Calumet) |
8 |
David Hoare & Richard Busch |
Joliet (Twp.) |
8 |
7 |
5 |
Perry Goranson |
Danville (H.S.) |
10 |
Lester Bandy |
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Chicago (Tilden) |
1 |
Robert Hicks |
Urbana (H.S.) |
2 |
Gene Armer |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |
3 |
Louis Slimmer |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
S |
4 |
7 |
3 |
Ken Greene |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
5 |
Roy Swindell |
Pekin |
6 |
Jim Custer |
Granite City |
7 |
5 |
0 |
Lawrence MacAuley |
Harvey (Thornton) |
8 |
T. B. Huddlestun |
Chicago (Lane) |
9 |
George Ring |
Chicago (Crane) |
10 |
Julian Steinmetz |
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
S |
1 |
10 |
1 |
Ken Greene |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
2 |
Roy Swindell |
Chicago (Tilden) |
3 |
Bob Hicks |
Joliet (Twp.) |
4 |
10 |
3 |
1 |
Perry Goranson |
Winnetka (New Trier) |
5 |
Dick Clausen |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |
6 |
Louis Slimmer |
LaGrange (Lyons) |
6 |
13 |
3 |
Max Armer |
Danville (H.S.) |
8 |
Lester Bandy |
Chicago (Crane) |
9 |
Julian Steinmetz |
Chicago (Kelly) |
9 |
William Everson |
Urbana (H.S.) |
9 |
Jack McIlvoy |
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
1 |
Roy Swindell |
Chicago (Tilden) |
2 |
Bob Hicks |
Winnetka (New Trier) |
S |
2 |
Al Hurley |
Joliet (Twp.) |
S |
4 |
6 |
3 |
1 |
Perry Goranson |
Blue Island |
5 |
Clarence Blunk |
Chicago (Parker) |
6 |
(no coach) |
Danville (H.S.) |
7 |
Lester Bandy |
Quincy (Sr.) |
7 |
Granite City |
S |
9 |
10 |
0 |
Lawrence MacAuley |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |
10 |
Lou Slimmer |
Harvey (Thornton) |
10 |
Ted Czech |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
S |
8 |
3 |
Ken Greene |
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
1 |
Roy Swindell |
Winnetka (New Trier) |
S |
2 |
Al Hurley |
Chicago (Hirsch) |
3 |
Bernie O'Brien |
Chicago (Tilden) |
3 |
Bob Hicks |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |
5 |
Louis Slimmer |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
S |
6 |
8 |
4 |
1 |
Ken Greene |
Joliet (Twp.) |
S |
7 |
7 |
2 |
Roy Carlson |
Blue Island |
7 |
Clarence Blunk |
Pekin |
9 |
Jim Custer |
Urbana (H.S.) |
10 |
Bill Senn |
Granite City |
S |
14 |
0 |
Lawrence MacAuley |
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Winnetka (New Trier) |
S |
1 |
Al Hurley |
Chicago (Tilden) |
2 |
Bob Hicks |
Moline (H.S.) |
S |
2 |
Joe Vavrus |
Champaign (H.S.) |
S |
4 |
Roy Swindell |
Pekin |
5 |
Jim Custer |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
5 |
6 |
5 |
Ken Greene |
Blue Island |
S |
7 |
Clarence Blunk |
Franklin Park-Northlake (Leyden) |
8 |
James Murray |
Calumet City (Thornton Fractional) |
9 |
Edward Fedosky |
LaGrange (Lyons) |
9 |
11 |
2 |
Max Armer |
Riverside (R.-Brookfield) |
9 |
7 |
4 |
1 |
Murill David Sanders |
Granite City |
S |
7 |
4 |
Vernon Orr |
Maywood (Proviso) |
S |