* Last updated at 9:14 pm on Thursday, February 27, 2025

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Class 1A Boys Basketball ScoreZone   
2/24  2/26  2/27  2/28  3/1  3/4  3/5  3/7  3/10  3/13  3/14  3/15 

At Elgin (Harvest Christian Academy)
Skokie (Ida Crown) 53 F
Elgin (Harvest Christian Academy) 51
This game has been moved to Thursday, February 27, to accommodate a religious holiday.

About the Interactive ScoreZone

The Interactive ScoreZone depends exclusively on reports submitted via the Internet by school personnel. Schools are not required to submit reports while the contest is in progress, but may do so if they wish. If your game is over and the score is not listed, most likely the responsible party from the host school hasn't gone online to report it. IHSA personnel do not track down missing scores on the day of the contest.

Key to Symbols

Gray Bar Green Bar Yellow Bar Red Bar
A contest awaiting a final score A "live game" — a contest in progress, with the score being updated periodically A postponed or suspended contest A completed contest with the final score

Blue text indicates the winner of the contest.

An asterisk (*) indicates the school that most recently submitted information on the contest.