* Last updated at 9:36 am on Sunday, March 30, 2025
Background Information
(Titles, Won-Lost Records, and Head Coaches) |
Erie High School
435 6th Ave. (Google map, other maps)
Erie, IL 61250
Phone: 309-659-2239
Fax: 309-659-2032
School Web Site: www.ecusd.info
Enrollment: 192
Conference(s): Three Rivers Athletic
Nickname(s): Panthers (boys), Panthers (girls)
Colors: Red and Black
School Type: Public Coed
County: Whiteside
Cities in District: Erie, Fenton, Cordova
Board Division: 4, Legislative District: 11
IHSA Official Representative: Tim McConnell tmcconnell@ecusd.info
phone 309-659-2239 fax 309-659-2032
Superintendent: Chuck Milem cmilem@ecusd.info
Principal: Tim McConnell tmcconnell@ecusd.info
phone 309-659-2239 fax 309-659-2032
Principal's Assistant: Ali Steimle asteimle@ecusd.info
Asst. Principal: Brian Howell bhowell@ecusd.info
phone 309-659-7353 fax 309-659-2032
Boys Athletic Director: Brian Howell bhowell@ecusd.info
phone 309-659-7353 fax 309-659-2032
Boys Athletic Director's Assistant: Leslie Miner lminer@erie1.info
phone 309-659-2239.1412 fax 309-659-2032
Girls Athletic Director: Brian Howell bhowell@ecusd.info
phone 309-659-7353 fax 309-659-2032
Girls Athletic Director's Assistant: Leslie Miner lminer@erie1.info
phone 309-659-2239.1412 fax 309-659-2032
Boys Baseball Head Coach: Jeff Wunderlich jwunderlich@ecusd.info
Boys Basketball Head Coach: Ryan Winckler rwinckler@ecusd.info
Boys Bowling Head Coach: Tom Rickels trickels@ecusd.info
Boys Cross Country Head Coach: Elizabeth Green egreen@ecusd.info
Boys Football Head Coach: Tyler Whitebread twhitebread@ecusd.info
Boys Golf Head Coach: Tom Rickels trickels@ecusd.info
Boys Track & Field Head Coach: Jon Schlagheck jschlagheck@erie1.info
Boys Wrestling Head Coach: Brian Buri bburi@ecusd.info
Girls Basketball Head Coach: Chris Brown cwbrown10@yahoo.com
Girls Bowling Head Coach: Angie Howell ahowell@ecusd.info
Girls Cross Country Head Coach: Elizabeth Green egreen@ecusd.info
Competitive Cheerleading Head Coach: Shauna DeBlieck sdeblieck@ecusd.info
Girls Golf Head Coach: Brad Tichler btichler@ecusd.info
Girls Softball Head Coach: Jessie Rosenow jessierosenow06@gmail.com
Girls Track & Field Head Coach: Elizabeth Green egreen@ecusd.info
Girls Volleyball Head Coach: Heather Bruns hbruns@plt3.org
Girls Wrestling Head Coach: Brian Buri bburi@ecusd.info
Certified Athletic Trainer: Lori Anderson athletictrainer@hammondhenry.com
Certified Athletic Trainer: Matt Kelly MattKelly@hammondhenry.com
Certified Athletic Trainer: Owen McConnell owenjmcconnell@gmail.com
Bass Fishing Coach: John Widener jwidener@plt3.org
Band Director: Sandy Newton snewton@ecusd.info
Vocal Director: Kate Leihsing kleihsing@ecusd.info
Marching Band Director: Sandy Newton snewton@ecusd.info
Scholastic Bowl Coach: Emily Higgins ehiggins@plt3.org
Sideline Cheer Coach: Shauna DeBlieck sdeblieck@ecusd.info
Halftime Dance Coach: Elizabeth Heppner eheppner@ecusd.info
Student Council Adviser: Cassidy Melton cmelton@ecusd.info