Team Chess Season Summaries
Season summaries include titles won (and the class they were won in), final place in state, final won-lost record, and head coach for all seasons submitted by the school or gathered from IHSA records.
A few titles are missing (complete list of missing titles). Changes and additions to these records may be made by school personnel through the IHSA Schools Center.
Key to titles: Ddistrict, Rregional, Ssectional, Usuper-sectional, Qteam qualifier for state finals, PChicago Public League champion (only when an automatic qualifier to the state finals).
1980-81 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Sherrard |
1 |
Diann Carran & Jeffery Buchman |
Aurora (Marmion Academy) |
2 |
Br. Jude Such |
Poplar Grove (North Boone) |
3 |
Guenther Wohlfarth |
Urbana (University) |
4 |
Georgetown |
5 |
P. Jestin Trahan |
Woodstock (Marian) |
6 |
Amboy |
7 |
James Braida |
Roanoke (R.-Benson) |
8 |
Julian Morrison |
Ridge Farm |
9 |
Sam Corbin |
Donovan |
10 |
Paul Clark |
1980-81 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Hillside (Proviso West) |
1 |
Larry Stilwell |
Bradley (B.-Bourbonnais) |
2 |
Jim Brown |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
3 |
William Grosball |
Flossmoor (Homewood-F.) |
4 |
Robert Smith |
Chicago (Carver) |
5 |
Louis Jones |
Winnetka (New Trier East) |
6 |
Chicago (Bowen) |
7 |
Darien (Hinsdale South) |
8 |
Chicago (Whitney Young) |
9 |
Crete (C.-Monee) |
10 |
Harry Nicholson |
1981-82 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Sherrard |
1 |
Diann Carran & Jeffery Buchman |
Aurora (Marmion Academy) |
2 |
Br. Jude Such |
Westmont |
3 |
7 |
4 |
Steve Wolf & Larry Krupicka |
Woodstock (Marian) |
4 |
Ridge Farm |
5 |
Sam Corbin |
Sidell (Jamaica) |
6 |
Harvard |
7 |
Viola (Winola) |
8 |
Rockford (Lutheran) |
9 |
Georgetown |
10 |
P. Jestin Trahan |
1981-82 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Hillside (Proviso West) |
1 |
Larry Stilwell |
Evanston (Twp.) |
2 |
McKinley Alford |
Tinley Park (H.S.) |
3 |
Ron Centanni |
Chicago (Bowen) |
4 |
Lincolnshire (Stevenson) |
5 |
Winnetka (New Trier) |
6 |
Chicago (Carver) |
7 |
Louis Jones |
Darien (Hinsdale South) |
8 |
Calumet City (Thornton Fractional North) |
9 |
Jim Butler |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
10 |
William Grosball |
1982-83 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Sherrard |
1 |
Kathleen Newson & Jeffery Buchman |
Poplar Grove (North Boone) |
2 |
Guenther Wohlfarth |
Urbana (University) |
3 |
Aurora (Marmion Academy) |
4 |
Br. Jude Such |
Rockford (Lutheran) |
5 |
Westmont |
6 |
Kevin Steder |
Ridge Farm |
7 |
Sam Corbin |
Woodstock (Marian) |
8 |
Viola (Winola) |
9 |
Rockford (Christian Life) |
10 |
1982-83 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Evanston (Twp.) |
1 |
McKinley Alford |
Darien (Hinsdale South) |
2 |
Jim Carvell |
1983-84 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Westmont |
1 |
Kevin Steder |
Rockford (Christian Life) |
2 |
Aurora (Marmion Academy) |
3 |
Br. Jude Such |
Urbana (University) |
4 |
Roanoke (R.-Benson) |
5 |
Julian Morrison |
Stillman Valley |
6 |
Phil Bratta |
Harvard |
7 |
Rockford (Lutheran) |
8 |
Poplar Grove (North Boone) |
9 |
Guenther Wohlfarth |
Ridge Farm |
10 |
Sam Corbin |
1983-84 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Chicago (Lane) |
1 |
Kenneth Carpenter |
Evanston (Twp.) |
2 |
McKinley Alford |
Hillside (Proviso West) |
3 |
Larry Stilwell |
Midlothian (Bremen) |
4 |
Robert Smith |
Northbrook (Glenbrook North) |
5 |
Darien (Hinsdale South) |
6 |
Tinley Park (H.S.) |
7 |
Ron Centanni |
New Lenox (Lincoln-Way) |
8 |
Randy Pavlik |
Oak Park (O.P.-River Forest) |
9 |
Dolton (Thornridge) |
10 |
Carl Lomar |
1984-85 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Aurora (Marmion Academy) |
1 |
Br. Jude Such |
Westmont |
2 |
13 |
9 |
1 |
Kevin Steder |
Urbana (University) |
3 |
Chris Butler |
Rockford (Christian Life) |
4 |
Sherrard |
5 |
Kathleen Newson & Jeffery Buchman |
Byron |
6 |
Poplar Grove (North Boone) |
7 |
Guenther Wohlfarth |
Roanoke (R.-Benson) |
8 |
Julian Morrison |
Normal (University) |
9 |
Garrett Scott |
Hampshire |
10 |
1984-85 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Oak Park (O.P.-River Forest) |
1 |
Dan McHugh |
New Lenox (Lincoln-Way) |
2 |
Mike Corey |
Northbrook (Glenbrook North) |
3 |
Phil Pilgram |
Chicago (Lane) |
4 |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
5 |
Art Milton |
Skokie (Niles West) |
6 |
Hillside (Proviso West) |
7 |
Larry Stilwell |
Urbana (H.S.) |
8 |
South Holland (Thornwood) |
9 |
George Beaver |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
10 |
William Grosball |
1985-86 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Urbana (University) |
1 |
Chris Butler |
Aurora (Marmion Academy) |
2 |
Br. Jude Such |
Rockford (Christian Life) |
3 |
Lee Ethun |
Roanoke (R.-Benson) |
4 |
Julian Morrison |
Ridge Farm |
5 |
Sam Corbin |
Sherrard |
6 |
Addison (Driscoll) |
7 |
Byron |
8 |
Westmont |
9 |
5 |
7 |
Rhonda Larson |
Hebron (Alden-H.) |
10 |
1985-86 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Hillside (Proviso West) |
1 |
Larry Stilwell |
Elgin (H.S.) |
2 |
Dick Lake |
Oak Park (Fenwick) |
3 |
Louis Spitznagel |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
4 |
Art Milton |
Rockford (Auburn) |
5 |
James Boyer |
South Holland (Thornwood) |
6 |
George Beaver |
Chicago (St. Ignatius College Prep) |
7 |
New Lenox (Lincoln-Way) |
8 |
Mike Corey |
Oak Park (O.P.-River Forest) |
9 |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
10 |
William Grosball |
1986-87 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Aurora (Illinois Math and Science Academy) |
1 |
Christopher Enstrom |
Poplar Grove (North Boone) |
2 |
Guenther Wohlfarth |
Stillman Valley |
3 |
Phil Bratta |
Roanoke (R.-Benson) |
4 |
Julian Morrison |
Urbana (University) |
5 |
Aurora (Marmion Academy) |
6 |
Westmont |
7 |
8 |
8 |
1 |
Larry Krupicka |
Hampshire |
8 |
Rockford (Christian Life) |
9 |
Lee Ethun |
Addison (Driscoll) |
10 |
1986-87 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Urbana (H.S.) |
1 |
Terry Hutson |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
2 |
William Grosball |
Chicago (Lane) |
3 |
Ken Carpenter |
Downers Grove (South) |
4 |
Michael Mayfield |
Hillside (Proviso West) |
5 |
Larry Stilwell |
Chicago (Kenwood) |
6 |
Oak Park (O.P.-River Forest) |
7 |
Chicago (Lindblom) |
8 |
Skokie (Niles West) |
9 |
Northbrook (Glenbrook North) |
10 |
1987-88 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Aurora (Illinois Math and Science Academy) |
1 |
Christopher Enstrom |
Chicago (Hales Franciscan) |
2 |
Fr. Phil Hogan |
Westmont |
3 |
John Martens |
Stillman Valley |
4 |
Phil Bratta |
Rockford (Christian Life) |
5 |
Lee Ethun |
Roanoke (R.-Benson) |
6 |
Julian Morrison |
Georgetown (G.-Ridge Farm) |
7 |
Sam Corbin |
Hampshire |
8 |
Virginia |
9 |
Clinton |
10 |
1987-88 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Chicago (Kenwood) |
1 |
H.R. Harris |
Chicago (Lane) |
2 |
Kenneth Carpenter |
Urbana (H.S.) |
3 |
Terry Hutson |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
4 |
William Grosball |
Hillside (Proviso West) |
5 |
Larry Stilwell |
Rockford (Auburn) |
6 |
James Boyer |
Downers Grove (South) |
7 |
Michael Mayfield |
South Holland (Thornwood) |
8 |
George Beaver |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
9 |
Art Milton |
Chicago (Lindblom) |
10 |
1988-89 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Georgetown (G.-Ridge Farm) |
1 |
Sam Corbin & Justin Trahan |
Urbana (University) |
2 |
Chris Butler |
Stillman Valley |
3 |
Phil Bratta |
Roanoke (R.-Benson) |
4 |
Julian Morrison |
Chicago (Hales Franciscan) |
5 |
Fr. Phil Hogan |
Chicago (Quigley North) |
6 |
Ray Schuman |
Bismarck (B.-Henning) |
7 |
Charles Graul |
Stanford (Olympia) |
8 |
Kent Hieronymus |
Hampshire |
9 |
Raymond Feld |
Rockford (Christian Life) |
10 |
Lee Ethun |
1988-89 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Downers Grove (South) |
1 |
Michael Mayfield |
Rockford (Auburn) |
2 |
James Boyer |
Urbana (H.S.) |
3 |
Terry Hutson |
Chicago (Lane) |
4 |
Ken Carpenter |
Rockford (Jefferson) |
5 |
George Kujawa |
Aurora (Illinois Math and Science Academy) |
6 |
Christopher Enstrom |
Chicago (Kenwood) |
7 |
Ray Harris |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
8 |
William Grosball |
Evanston (Twp.) |
9 |
Ken Lewandowski |
Rock Island (H.S.) |
10 |
Art Milton |
1989-90 Class A
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Stillman Valley |
1 |
Phil Bratta |
Aurora (Illinois Math and Science Academy) |
2 |
Christopher Enstrom |
Georgetown (G.-Ridge Farm) |
3 |
Justin Trahan |
Urbana (University) |
4 |
Chris Butler |
Poplar Grove (North Boone) |
5 |
Guenther Wohlfarth |
Roanoke (R.-Benson) |
6 |
Julian Morrison |
Chicago (Quigley North) |
7 |
Ray Schuman |
Sherrard |
8 |
Tom Watkins |
Stanford (Olympia) |
9 |
Kent Hieronymus |
Rockford (Lutheran) |
10 |
Donald Kortze |
1989-90 Class AA
School |
Titles |
Place |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
Coach |
Downers Grove (South) |
1 |
Michael Mayfield |
Rockford (Jefferson) |
2 |
Jack Armstrong |
Chicago (Lane) |
3 |
Kenneth Carpenter |
Evanston (Twp.) |
4 |
Ken Lewandowski |
Skokie (Niles West) |
5 |
David Brandes |
Urbana (H.S.) |
6 |
Paul Lock |
Rockford (Auburn) |
7 |
James Boyer |
Northbrook (Glenbrook North) |
8 |
John Miller |
East St. Louis (Sr.) |
9 |
William Grosball |
Skokie (Niles North) |
10 |
Frank Cardulla |