Girls Volleyball Class AA State Final Results
Arlgtn. Hts. (Hersey) d. Chicago (Simeon), 11-15, 16-14, 15-2
Referee: Mitch Boyce, Marine
Umpire: Linda Van Der Leest, Geneseo
Game 1
Simeon-Hersey -- Simeon-Hersey
-- Amy Gresens - Dawn Schuler hits long for sideout
Brandi Anderson - Maureen Trnka crosscourt kill for sideout
-- Dawn Schuler - Tenisha Wilkins kills for sideout
Kelly Randle - regular pt. -- 1-0
Kelly Randle - Bethany Wotal hits out for pt. -- 2-0
Kelly Randle - ace serve off of Dawn Schuler for pt. -- 3-0
Kelly Randle - Maureen Trnka blocks Shavonne Newsome and Tenisha Wilkins out of bounds for pt. -- 4-0
Kelly Randle - Maureen Trnka hits off block for sideout
-- Maureen Trnka - Bethany Wotal hits out for sideout
Doneise Davis - ace serve off Amy Gresens for pt. -- 5-0
(Timeout Hersey)
Doneise Davis - Bethany Wotal is in the net for pt. -- 6-0
Doneise Davis - Tenisha Wilkins is in the net for sideout
-- Laurie Anderson - Tenisha Wilkins hits off the block for sideout
Tenisha Wilkins - Kelly Randle goes under the net trying to set for sideout
-- Bethany Wotal - regular pt. -- 6-1
-- Bethany Wotal - ace serve off of Tenisha Wilkins for pt. -- 6-2
-- Bethany Wotal - Janet Goreham blocks for pt. -- 6-3
-- Bethany Wotal - Kelly Randle hits out of bounds for pt. -- 6-4
(Timeout Simeon)
-- Bethany Wotal - Brandi Anderson hits into net for pt. -- 6-5
-- Bethany Wotal - ace serve inside backline for pt. -- 6-6
-- Bethany Wotal - Janet Goreham hits out for sideout
Tennille Moore - Brandi Anderson dinks fr pt. -- 7-6
Tennille Moore - Brandi Anderson hits off the touch for pt. -- 8-6
Tennille Moore - Dawn Schuler dinks into the middle for sideout
-- Katie Meyer - Dawn Schuler blasts one into Tenisha Wilkins for pt. -- 8-7
-- Katie Meyer - Brandi Anderson kills into middle for sideout
Asantewaa Hughes - serve does not clear net
-- Amy Gresens - Tennille Moore kills for sideout
Brandi Anderson - sideout
-- Dawn Schuler - net serve
Kelly Randle - ace serve for pt. -- 9-7
Kelly Randle - Kelly Randle mishandles set for sideout
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins hits out for pt. -- 9-8
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins hits off block for sideout
Shayanta Williams - ace serve for pt. -- 10-8
Shayanta Williams - serves long for sideout
-- Laurie Anderson - Tenisha Wilkins hits off the block from the right side for sideout
Tenisha Wilkins - net foul on Amy Gresens for pt. -- 11-8
Tenisha Wilkins - Devon Ingram hits outside the antenna for pt. -- 12-8
Tenisha Wilkins - net serve
-- Bethany Wotal - Asantewaa Hughes hits out for pt. -- 12-9
-- Bethany Wotal - Asantewaa Hughes hits for sideout
Tennille Moore - Devon Ingram hits out for sideout
-- Katie Meyer - Brandi Anderson hits into the net for pt. -- 12-10
-- Katie Meyer - Maureen Trnka from the center for pt. -- 12-11
-- Katie Meyer - Brandi Anderson down the middle for sideout
Asantewaa Hughes - Bethany Wotal hits into net for pt. -- 13-11
(Timeout Hersey)
Asantewaa Hughes - Maureen Trnka hits into net for pt. -- 14-11
Asantewaa Hughes - Brandi Anderson dinks for game pt. -- 15-11
Game 2
Simeon-Hersey -- Simeon-Hersey
Brandi Anderson - Tenisha Wilkins tips it out for sideout
-- Dawn Schuler - Tenisha Wilkins kills for sideout
Kelly Randle - Tenisha Wilkins down the middle for pt. -- 1-0
Kelly Randle - Brandi Anderson hits out for sideout
-- Maureen Trnka - Laurie Anderson hits into the middle for pt. -- 1-1
-- Maureen Trnka - ace serve off of Tenisha Wilkins forpt. -- 1-2
-- Maureen Trnka - Laurie Anderson kills for pt. -- 1-3
-- Maureen Trnka - ace serve -- 1-4
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins kills for sideout
Asantewaa Hughes - regular pt. -- 2-4
Asantewaa Hughes - regular pt. -- 3-4
Asantewaa Hughes - double net foul - replay
Asantewaa Hughes - serve out for sideout
-- Laurie Anderson - Tenisha Wilkins tips into the middle for sideout
Tenisha Wilkins - Brandi Anderson kills for pt. -- 4-4
-- Tenisha Wilkins - sideout
Bethany Wotal - Brandi Anderson can't return for pt. -- 4-5 --
Bethany Wotal - Kelly Randle dumps for sideout
-- Tennille Moore - Dawn Schuler hits into antenna for sideout
Tennille Moore - Dawn Schuler hits into net for pt. -- 6-5
Tennille Moore - Janet Goreham kills for sideout
-- Katie Meyer - regular pt. -- 6-6
-- Katie Meyer - sideout
Asantewaa Hughes - Tenisha Wilkins kills for pt. -- 7-6
Asantewaa Hughes - Dawn Schuler gets through the block for sideout
-- Amy Gresens - miscommunication on return for sideout
Brandi Anderson - Shavonne Newsome blocks for pt. -- 8-6
(Timeout Hersey)
Brandi Anderson - Bethany Wotal dinks for sideout
-- Dawn Schuler - Brandi Anderson hits out for pt. -- 8-7
-- Dawn Schuler - Tenisha Wilkins off the block for sideout
Kelly Randle - Bethany Wotal hits long for pt. -- 9-7
Kelly Randle - Laurie Anderson can't return for pt. -- 10-7
Kelly Randle - Amy Gresens sets into the antenna for pt. -- 11-7
Kelly Randle - net serve for sideout
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins off the tip for sideout
Shayanta Williams - Laurie Anderson kills for sideout
-- Laurie Anderson - Tenisha Wilkins kills long for pt. -- 11-8
-- Laurie Anderson - serves long for sideout
Tenisha Wilkins - Janet Goreham kills inside backline for sideout
-- Bethany Wotal - regular pt. -- 11-9
-- Bethany Wotal - illegal alignment for pt. -- 11-10
-- Bethany Wotal - Devon Ingram dumps into middle for sideout
Tennille Moore - ace serve off of Maureen Trnka for pt. -- 12-10
Tennille Moore - net serve
-- Katie Meyer - Maureen Trnka kills for pt. -- 12-11
-- Katie Meyer - Tenisha Wilkins hits into the middle for sideout
Asantewaa Hughes - Maureen Trnka dinks into middle for sideout
-- Amy Gresens - Brandi Anderson hits into the net for pt. -- 12-12
-- Amy Gresens - Maureen Trnka has an illegal hit for sideout
Brandi Anderson - ace serve off of Dawn Schuler for pt. -- 13-12
(Timeout Hersey)
Brandi Anderson - serves long
-- Dawn Schuler - serves long
Kelly Randle - illegal hit for sideout
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins kills along sideline for sideout
Doneise Davis - four hits for pt. -- 14-12
Doneise Davis - net serve
-- Laurie Anderson - Doneise Davis hits out for pt. -- 14-13
-- Laurie Anderson - Janet Goreham blocks Tenisha Wilkins for pt. -- 14-14
(Timeout Simeon)
-- Laurie Anderson - serves long
Tenisha Wilkins - net foul for sideout
-- Bethany Wotal - can't return the kill for pt. -- 14-15
(Timeout Simeon)
-- Bethany Wotal - Janet Goreham hits long for sideout
Tennille Moore - Maureen Trnka freeballs it over and it is hit out for sideout
-- Janet Goreham - four hits on serve return for game pt. -- 14-16
Game 3
Simeon-Hersey -- Simeon-Hersey
-- --
-- Amy Gresens - Amy Gresens into net
Brandi Anderson - Amanda Pinter kills for sideout
-- Dawn Schuler - Shavonne Newsome wins the joust at the net for sideout
Kelly Randle - Tenisha Wilkins hits into the net for sideout
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins hits long for pt. -- 0-1
-- Maureen Trnka - ace serve in front of Asantewaa Hughes for pt. -- 0-2
-- Maureen Trnka - bad set by Kelly Randle for pt. -- 0-3
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins goes into the net for pt. -- 0-4
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins off the block in the middle for sideout
Doneise Davis - Devon Ingram net foul for sidoeut
-- Laurie Anderson - serves out of bounds
Tenisha Wilkins - net serve
-- Bethany Wotal - net foul -- 0-5
-- Bethany Wotal - Dawn Schuler hits out of bounds
Tennille Moore - Brandi Anderson hits it out of bounds for sideout
-- Katie Meyer - Amy Gresens illegal hit for sideout
Asantewaa Hughes - net serve
-- Amy Gresens - Shavonne Newsome dinks into middle for sideout
Brandi Anderson - serves long for sideout
-- Dawn Schuler - net serve
Kelly Randle - Brandi Anderson mishandles the set for sideout
-- Maureen Trnka - ace serve off of Brandi Anderson for pt. -- 0-6
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins kills out of bounds for pt. -- 0-7
-- Maureen Trnka - Janet Goreham kills the overpass for pt. -- 0-8
(Timeout Simeon)
-- Maureen Trnka - Maureen Trnka blocks for pt. -- 0-9
-- Maureen Trnka - Tenisha Wilkins tips for sideout
Doneise Davis - Laurie Anderson hits into the net -- 1-9
Doneise Davis - Bethany Wotal kills for sideout
-- Laurie Anderson - Janet Goreham kills for pt. -- 1-10
-- Laurie Anderson - Janet Goreham tips for sideout
Tenisha Wilkins - Bethany Wotal soft kill is good for sideout
-- Bethany Wotal - Tenisha Wilkins passes serve into net for pt. -- 1-11
-- Bethany Wotal - Brandi Anderson hits into the net for pt. -- 1-12
-- Bethany Wotal - Amy Gresens tips it over for pt. -- 1-13
(Timeout Simeon)
-- Bethany Wotal - Janet Goreham mishandles the set for sideout
Tennille Moore - Dawn Schuler tips it out for pt. -- 2-13
Tennille Moore - serves out of bounds for sideout
-- Katie Meyer - Kelly Randle dumps for sideout
Asantewaa Hughes - Brandi Anderson hits into net for sideout
-- Amy Gresens - Laurie Anderson off Shavonne Newsome block for pt. -- 2-14
-- Amy Gresens - Brandi Anderson mishandles the return for match point -- 2-15
Arlington Hts. (Hersey) (21-18-1) defeats Chicago (Simeon) 22-6-1 -- 11-15, 16-14, 15-2
Chicago (Simeon)
Serv. Total
No. Player Assists KillsBlocks Pts. Aces Pts.
1 Brandi Anderson 2 8 0 2 1 3
2 Devon Ingram 1 2 0 0 0 0
3 Doneise Davis 0 0 0 3 1 4
4 Tashawna Franklin 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Kelly Randle 16 1 1 6 1 7
6 Shayanta Williams 0 0 0 2 1 3
8 Asantewaa Hughes 0 0 0 4 0 4
9 Tennille Moore 0 1 0 4 1 5
10 Fabia Moore 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Tenisha Wilkins 1 16 1 4 0 4
14 Keola Hozier 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Shavonne Newsome 0 1 2 0 0 0
Game 1 Totals 9 11 2 12 3 15
Game 2 Totals 8 13 1 12 2 14
Game 3 Totals 3 5 1 2 0 2
Match Totals 20 29 4 26 5 31
Arlington Heights (Hersey)
Serv. Total
No. Player Assists KillsBlocks Pts. Aces Pts.
2 Jeanine Derango 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Katie Watt 2 0 0 0 0 0
4 Katie Meyer 0 0 0 4 0 4
5 Dawn Schuler 1 3 0 1 0 1
10 Kristen Baysinger 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Janet Goreham 3 3 2 1 0 1
12 Katie Levanti 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Amy Gresens 16 2 0 3 0 3
15 Bethany Wotal 1 5 1 15 2 17
20 Laurie Anderson 1 6 0 3 0 3
21 Carolyn Young 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Cindy Thomas 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Kara Wager 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Julia Forbes 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Maureen Trnka 0 7 7 9 4 13
Game 1 Totals 7 7 3 9 2 11
Game 2 Totals 11 11 3 14 2 16
Game 3 Totals 6 8 4 13 2 15
Match Totals 24 26 10 36 6 42
Nancy Lill coach from Arlington Heights Hersey said, " it was not a pretty sight We were just happy that we were able to put it together in the third game. About tomorrow's game, I don't think we could play worse than we did today."
Maureen Trnka from Hersey said, "it was really difficult. No one seemed like they wanted to win. You have to give Simeon credit. They handled the ball well.
Laurie Anderson from Hersey said, "we were a little shabby, but inside we knew we could do it."
Chris Pruitt coach from Simeon said, "since not all of the girls play year round, they did good for the length of time that they played."
Tenisha Wilkins of Simeon said, "we know we made mistakes and we couldn't get our minds on the game, so we will have to work hard and be back next year."