Girls Volleyball Class A State Final Results
Huntley d. Tolono (Unity), 15-6, 15-5
Referee: Linda Van Der Leest, Geneseo
Umpire: Nancy Nester, Gurnee
Game 1
Unity-Huntley -- Unity-Huntley
Robin Pilotte - ace on serve -- 1-0
Robin Pilotte - Margene Murdent hit off block in center -- 2-0
Robin Pilotte - Becky Weber kill in the middle
-- Becky Weber - Megan Borhart hits off block, it comes back down on her and out --
Amy Tempel - Marion Hansen kill from left side for sideout
-- Lisa Ravagnie - Marion Hansen hits into net from center
Katie Lindsey - Megan Borhart hits to corner for sideout
-- Marion Hansen - ace off Robin Pilotte -- 2-1
-- Marion Hansen - Megan Borhart hits wide left from left side
Margene Murdent - Becky Weber dump to a big hole in the middle
-- Chrissy Pfaff - serves wide left
Heidi Craven - Becky Weber hits to back row, dig is illegal hit
-- Suzie Repmann - Suzie Repmann kills down left line for pt. -- 2-2
-- Suzie Repmann - Tara Riddle kills off block on left side
Stacey Foley - Katie Holtz dink for sideout
-- Katie Holtz - serves into net
Robin Pilotte - ace off illegal hit by Lisa Ravagnie -- 3-2
Robin Pilotte - serves into tape
-- Becky Weber - foot fault on jump serve
Amy Tempel - Marion Hansen drives it off left side block for a sideout
-- Lisa Ravagnie - Margene Murdent dinks to left side for sideout
Katie Lindsey - Marion Hansen off blcok on right side for sideout
-- Marion Hansen - Stacey Foley dink from left side over block
Margene Murdent - Megan Borhart off block on left side for sideout
-- Chrissy Pfaff - serves into net
Heidi Craven - Becky Weber cranks one down the left side for a K
-- Suzie Repmann - Becky Weber wide left from left
Stacey Foley - Katie Lindsey hits into net on tight set
-- Katie Holtz - Becky Weber cranks from the left side again -- 3-3
-- Katie Holtz - Katie Lindsey double hit -- 3-4
-- Katie Holtz - Stacey Foley hits down ball to back line for sideout
Robin Pilotte -- Becky Weber winds up off the blockfor sideout
-- Becky Weber - Becky Weber dump for pt -- 3-5
-- Becky Weber - ace...return of jumper is over net and out -- 3-6
-- Becky Weber - ace off Robin Pilotte on jump serve -- 3-7
-- Becky Weber - on the line on her jumper again
Amy Tempel - ace off Suzie Repmann -- 4-7
Amy Tempel - Megan Borhart drives it off the block in the middle
-- Lisa Ravagnie - Margene Murdent tools one of the double block on the left side
Katie Lindsey - Suzie Repmann free balls one out of bounds -- 5-7
Katie Lindsey - Stacey Foley is in the net on a spike attempt
-- Marion Hansen - ace as Robin Pilotte sends return behind her -- 5-8
-- Marion Hansen - Margene Murdent puts free ball into net -- 5-9
-- Marion Hansen - ace on illegal hit by Joanna Cain -- 5-10
-- Marion Hansen - Megan Borhart blocked by Brooke Hawkins
Margene Murdent - ace as serve handcuffs Lisa Ravagnie -- 6-10
Margene Murdent - Katie Holtz kills as Unity is in the net
-- Megan Borhart - serves into antenna
Heidi Craven - serves into teammate's neck
-- Suzie Repmann - bad pass on serve can't get over net -- 6-11
-- Suzie Repmann - Stacey Foley dink is an illegal hit -- 6-12
-- Suzie Repmann - Tara Riddle pounds one long from the left side -- 6-13
-- Suzie Repmann - serves into net
Stacey Foley - Tara Riddle can't spike desperation pass
-- Katie Holtz - ace as serve is passed wide -- 6-14
-- Katie Holtz - ace as pass goes wide again. -- 6-15
Game 2
Unity-Huntley -- Unity-Huntley
-- Becky Weber - jumper in front of Joanna Cain for an ace -- 0-1
-- Becky Weber - same thing! -- 0-2
-- Becky Weber - Joanna Cain shanks serve for another ace -- 0-3
-- Becky Weber - ace in front of Brooke Hawkins on back line -- 0-4
-- Becky Weber - serves into net
Amy Tempel - Margene Murdent swins in the middle for pt. -- 1-4
Amy Tempel - Margene Murdent in net on a block
-- Lisa Ravagnie - bad pass on serve, 2nd hit is into stands -- 1-5
-- Lisa Ravagnie - Megan Borhart blocks an overpass for pt -- 1-6
-- Lisa Ravagnie - Megan Borhart reaches for akill down the left side -- 1-7
-- Lisa Ravagnie - Marion Hansen kills as Unity is in net -- 1-8
-- Lisa Ravagnie - Margene Murdent kill from left side to middle --
Katie Lindsey - Margene Murdent blocks Megan Borhart in the middle -- 2-8
Katie Lindsey - Suzie Repmann off the block in the middle
-- Marion Hansen - illegal hit on Amy Tempel trying to set -- 2-9
-- Marion Hansen - serves into tape
Margene Murdent - Katie Holtz hits crosscourt blast wide right -- 3-9
Margene Murdent - ace as Lisa Ravagnie's return goes into scorer's table -- 4-9
Margene Murdent - Lisa Ravagnie shanks serve for another ace -- 5-9
Margene Murdent - serves off top of net
-- Chrissy Pfaff - Katie Holtz blocks over pass straight down -- 5-10
-- Chrissy Pfaff - Becky Weber swings from the middle for a kill -- 5-11
-- Chrissy Pfaff - double hit on set -- 5-12
-- Chrissy Pfaff - Tara Riddle hits wide left on down ball -- 5-13
-- Chrissy Pfaff - Stacey Foley swings into the net -- 5-14
-- Chrissy Pfaff - ace off Stacey Foley to close out the match -- 5-15
Huntley (36-5) defeats Tolono (Unity) (23-11), 15-6, 15-5
Tolono (Unity)
Serv. Total
No. Player Assists KillsBlocks Pts. Aces Pts.
11 Joanna Cain
12 Tara Riddle 0 1 0 0 0 0
13 Amy Tempel 7 0 0 0 1 1
20 Robin Pilotte 0 0 0 4 0 4
21 Stacey Foley 0 2 0 0 0 0
22 Melissa Stierwalt
23 Brooke Hawkins 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Margene Murdent 0 4 2 2 2 4
25 Heidi Craven 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Mary Buser
34 Therese Mulch
35 Lindsay Strohl
41 Katie Lindsey 0 0 0 2 0 2
Game 1 Totals 6 6 1 5 1 6
Game 2 Totals 1 1 1 3 2 5
Game 3 Totals
Match Totals 7 7 2 8 3 11
Serv. Total
No. Player Assists KillsBlocks Pts. Aces Pts.
1 Megan Borhart 3 4 1 0 0 0
2 Katie Holtz 0 2 0 3 1 4
3 Marion Hansen 1 3 1 2 3 5
4 Angela DeBartolo 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Becky Weber 7 9 0 1 6 7
6 Suzie Repmann 1 1 0 4 0 4
7 Sarah Raffin 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Lisa Ravagnie 0 0 1 4 0 4
9 Chrissy Pfaff 6 0 0 5 1 6
10 Beth Miller
11 Stephanie Strociek
12 Natalie Rivera
13 Tracy Bretschneider
14 Sandi Origer 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Becky Djorak
Game 1 Totals 15 15 1 9 6 15
Game 2 Totals 3 4 2 10 5 15
Game 3 Totals
Match Totals 18 19 3 19 11 30
Winning Coach, Larry Kahl, Huntley -- "Create tomorrow what you dream today (the motto of the Huntley team). "
"Our serving will have to be better against Kansas."
Katie Holtz: "When we have a lead we tend to play below our level. We knew we had to pick it up (during their lead)."
Becky Weber: "Once we started getting used to the arena, then we started serving better. I told my team, 'You know we can do it, stay focused, just go out there and play.'"
Losing Coach, Kendra Pence, Tolono (Unity) -- "The passing hurt us. We never got into our style. It all goes back to passing. We're usually good at it, but this game we had several errors. The team was a little intimidated by the opposing hitter. This was definitely the best team they've played."
Amy Tempel: " I was nervous on the way here. I can't be nervous because it ruins my game. I felt prepared and not as nervous as in the super-sectionals. It was an awesome feeling coming into the arena. The lighting here felt like I was the center of attention. It was a great feeling.
Margene Murdent: "I was happy with the way the season has turned out. Any loss is disappointing but we came out and we did well."