Girls Volleyball Class A State Final Results
Mt. Pulaski d. Spring Valley (Hall), 17-15, 15-12
Referee: Rhonda Haffner, Morton
Umpire: Mark McKinnon, Homewood
Game 1
Hall-Mt. Pulaski -- Hall-Mt. Pulaski
-- Lisa Vaughan Carolyn Bryant blocks out for pt. -- -- 0-1
-- Lisa Vaughan - ace serve off of Kristy Sopczynski for pt. -- 0-2
-- Lisa Vaughan - serves out of bounds for sideout
Carolyn Bryant - Stephanie Blaum kills from the middle for sideout
-- Bethany Murphy - serves out of bounds
Becky Claggett - ace serve for pt. -- 1-2
Becky Claggett - Sallie Bowles dinks on left side for sideout
-- Stephanie Blaum - Leslie Fusinato hits out for pt. -- 1-3
-- Stephanie Blaum - Amanda Pinter kill down the middle for sideout
Alison Victor - Sallie Bowles kills for sideout
-- Jennifer Donath - Becky Claggett kills down middle for sideout
Nicki Huetteman - Lisa Vaughan and Robyn Guokas can't decide who gets the pop up for pt. -- 2-3
Nicki Huetteman - Sallie Bowles dinks for sideout
-- Sallie Bowles - serves long for sideout
Amanda Pinter - Amanda Pinter can't handle the return for sideout
-- Stephanie Mosier - Becky Claggett kills down the line for sideout
Kristy Sopczynski - illegal hit for sideout
-- Lisa Vaughan - Linsey Sharp hits into net for pt. -- 2-4
-- Lisa Vaughan - Stephanie Blaum kills for pt. -- 2-5
-- Lisa Vaughan - Becky Claggett gets through the block for sideout
Carolyn Bryant - Stephanie Blaum kills from center for sideout
-- Bethany Murphy - Amy Poffenbarger kill is out of bounds for sideout
Becky Claggett - Stephanie Blaum from the center for sideout
-- Stephanie Blaum - serves into the net for sideout
Alison Victor - Sallie Bowles kills for sideout
-- Jennifer Donath - Jane Matthews gets a dink of the block
Nicki Huetteman - Sallie Bowles with a backwards kill for sideout
-- Sallie Bowles - Amanda Pinter kills down the sideline for sideout
Amanda Pinter - illegal hit on Mt. Pulaski for pt. -- 3-5
Amanda Pinter - Bethany Murphy kills down the sideline for sideout
-- Stephanie Mosier - Becky Claggett kills for sideout
Kristy Sopczynski - Bethany Murphy free balls it into the net for pt. -- 4-5
Kristy Sopczynski - ace serve in front of Sallie Bowles for pt. -- 5-5
Kristy Sopczynski - Bethany Murphy kill down left side for sideout
-- Lisa Vaughan - Amanda Pinter freeball out of bounds for pt. -- 5-6
Hall-Mt. Pulaski -- Hall-Mt. Pulaski
Lisa Vaughan - Becky Claggett hits long from left side for pt. -- 5-7
-- Lisa Vaughan - Bethany Murphy freeball is outside the antenna for sideout
Carolyn Bryant - illegal hit on Bethany Murphy for pt. -- -- 6-7
Carolyn Bryant - Amy Poffenbarger kill down left side for sideout
-- Bethany Murphy - set into the net by Mt. Pulaski for sideout
Becky Claggett - illegal hit on Hall for sideout
-- Stephanie Blaum - Amanda Pinter down the sideline for sideout
Linsey Sharp - Amy Poffenbarger hit out for pt. -- 7-7
Linsey Sharp - ace serve for pt. (Timeout Mt. Pulaski) -- 8-7
Linsey Sharp - serves long
-- Amy Poffenbarger - Jane Matthews blocks for sideout
Leslie Fusinato - illegal hit on return for pt. -- 9-7
Leslie Fusinato - serves long for sideout
-- Sallie Bowles - ace serve for pt. -- 9-8
-- Sallie Bowles - Carolyn Bryant has an illegal hit for pt. -- 9-9
-- Sallie Bowles - Amanda Pinter hits it out of bounds after a long rally for pt. -- 9-10
-- (Timeout Hall)
-- Sallie Bowles - Elizabeth Stoll blocks for pt. -- 9-11
-- Sallie Bowles - Amanda Pinter kill down right side for sideout
Amanda Pinter - Stephanie Blaum hits a weak one into the net for pt. -- 10-11
Amanda Pinter - Bethany Murphy blasts one in front of Linsey Sharp for sideout
-- Katie Maske - Bethany Murphy kills for pt. -- 10-12
-- Katie Maske - Jane Matthews into the net for pt. -- 10-13
-- (Timeout Hall)
-- Katie Maske - ace serve for pt. -- 10-14
-- Katie Maske - net serve
Jane Matthews - ace serve off of Sallie Bowles for pt. -- 11-14
Jane Matthews - Carolyn Bryant blocks for pt. -- 12-14
(Timeout Mt. Pulaski)
Jane Matthews - Stephanie Blaum blaster is out of bounds for pt. -- 13-14
Jane Matthews - Becky Claggett dinks into middle for pt. -- 14-14
Jane Matthews - Bethany Murphy kills down sideline for sideout
-- Lisa Vaughan - Amy Poffenbarger blocks out for sideout
Carolyn Bryant - serves into net
-- Bethany Murphy - Sallie Bowles hits into the net for sideout
Becky Claggett - Linsey Sharp hits out of bounds for sideout
-- Stephanie Blaum - Nicki Huetteman hits down the sideline for sideout
Linsey Sharp - net serve
-- Amy Poffenbarger - serves long
Nicki Huetteman - Sallie Bowles hits into the net for pt. -- 15-14
Nicki Huetteman - Sallie Bowles hits off the block for sideout
-- Sallie Bowles - Amanda Pinter goes into the net for pt. -- 15-15
-- Sallie Bowles - Amanda Pinter hits out of bounds for pt. -- 15-16
-- (Timeout Hall)
-- Sallie Bowles - ace serve for game pt. -- -- 15-17
Game 2
Hall-Mt. Pulaski -- Hall-Mt. Pulaski
Kristy Sopczynski - Bethany Murphy kills for sideout
-- Lisa Vaughan - Linsey Sharp crosscourt kill for sideout
Carolyn Bryant - Amy Poffenbarger hits into the net for pt. -- 1-0
Carolyn Bryant - Stephanie Blaum kills for sideout
-- Bethany Murphy - Sallie Bowles hits into the block for pt. -- 1-1
-- Bethany Murphy - Becky Claggett kills from the right for sideout
Becky Claggett - dink by Stephanie Blaum for sideout
-- Stephanie Blaum - Amanda Pinter gets past the block for sideout
Hall-Mt. Pulaski -- Hall-Mt. Pulaski
Alison Victor - Lisa Vaughan pushes it past the endline for pt. -- 2-1
Alison Victor - Sallie Bowles hits into the net for pt. -- 3-1
Alison Victor - Sallie Bowles crosscourt kill for sideout
-- Jennifer Donath - Leslie Fusinato kills through the block for sideout
Nicki Huetteman - Amanda Pinter kills for sideout
-- Sallie Bowles - sideout
Amanda Pinter - Jane Matthews hit is good for pt. -- 4-1
Amanda Pinter - Mt. Pulaski can't return it for pt. -- 5-1
(Timeout Mt. Pulaski)
Amanda Pinter - Elizabeth Stoll kills into corner for sideout
-- Stephanie Mosier - Jane Matthews hits into the net for pt. -- 5-2
-- Stephanie Mosier - Bethany Murphy kills along sideline for pt. -- 5-3
-- Stephanie Mosier - ace serve off of Nicki Huetteman for pt. -- 5-4
-- (Timeout Hall)
-- Stephanie Mosier - Bethany Murphy kills for pt. -- 5-5
-- Stephanie Mosier - Nicki Huetteman can't handle the freeball for pt. -- 5-6
-- Stephanie Mosier - Stephanie Blaum gets through the block for pt. -- 5-7
-- Stephanie Mosier - Lisa Vaughan tips the overpass for pt. -- 5-8
-- Stephanie Mosier - Becky Claggett tips it for sideout
Kristy Sopczynski - Stephanie Blaum kills down the middle for sideout
-- Lisa Vaughan - Kristy Sopczynski hits out for pt. -- 5-9
-- Lisa Vaughan - Stephanie Blaum couldn't tip it over the net for sideout
Carolyn Bryant - Stephanie Blaum hits long from the center for pt. -- 6-9
Carolyn Bryant - Amy Poffenbarger hits it off the top of the block for sideout
-- Bethany Murphy - Becky Claggett blasts one from the right for sideout
Becky Claggett - Amy Poffenbarger hits into the antenna for pt. -- 7-9
Becky Claggett - Linsey Sharp kills for pt. -- 8-9
Becky Claggett - ace serve off of Sallie Bowles for pt. -- 9-9
Becky Claggett - Leslie Fusinato and Linsey Sharp block for pt. -- 10-9
(Timeout Mt. Pulaski)
Becky Claggett - Leslie Fusinato and Linsey Sharp block for pt. -- 11-9
Becky Claggett - Leslie Fusinato hits into the net for sideout
-- Stephanie Blaum - Sallie Bowles dinks into the middle for pt. -- 11-10
-- Stephanie Blaum - Sallie Bowles offr the block for pt. -- 11-11
-- Stephanie Blaum - Carolyn Bryant can't save it from going into the net for pt. -- 11-12
(Timeout Hall)
-- Stephanie Blaum - Amy Poffenbarger blocks Amanda Pinter for pt. -- 11-13
-- Stephanie Blaum - Sallie Bowles hits into the middle for pt. -- 11-14
-- Stephanie Blaum - serves long for sideout
Alison Victor - Amanda Pinter hits into the middle for pt. -- 12-14
Alison Victor - Elizabeth Stoll soft spike for sideout
-- Jennifer Donath - ace serve for match pt. -- 12-15
Mt. Pulaski (35-0) defeats Spring Valley (Hall) (34-7) - 17-15, 15-12
Spring Valley (Hall)
Serv. Total
No. Player Assists KillsBlocks Pts. Aces Pts.
3 Nicki Huetteman 0 1 0 0 0 0
14 Alison Victor 0 1 0 1 0 1
12 Leslie Fusinato 0 1 3 0 0 0
15 Sarah Ping 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Amanda Pinter 0 9 1 2 0 2
21 Kristy Sopczynski 0 0 0 3 1 4
22 Sara Baker 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Becky Claggett 0 9 2 6 2 8
33 Carolyn Bryant 24 0 5 3 1 4
34 Jane Matthews 0 2 3 4 1 5
35 Linsey Sharp 0 2 1 3 1 4
Game 1 Totals 15 15 5 7 5 12
Game 2 Totals 9 10 10 10 1 11
Match Totals 25 25 15 17 6 23
Mt. Pulaski
Serv. Total
No. Player Assists KillsBlocks Pts. Aces Pts.
2 Lisa Vaughan 26 1 0 4 1 5
7 Stephanie Blaum 1 7 0 5 1 6
8 Elizabeth Schilling 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Elizabeth Stoll 0 2 1 0 0 0
11 Renee Radtke 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Sallie Bowles 0 12 0 4 3 7
13 Jenni Lerch 0 0 1 0 0 0
14 Amy Poffenbarger 1 2 0 0 0 0
15 Jennifer Donath 0 0 0 0 1 1
16 Bethany Murphy 2 8 0 2 0 2
18 Stephanie Mosier 0 0 0 8 0 8
19 Casey Davis 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Erica Ott 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Lee Ann Schilling 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Katie Maske 0 0 0 2 1 3
Game 1 Totals 16 17 1 13 4 17
Game 2 Totals 14 15 1 13 2 15
Match Totals 30 32 2 26 6 32
Winning Coach Donna Dulle, Mt. Pulaski:
It came down to whoever made the least errors won the match.
About Hall: They have a streaky ballclub and they have lapses in which we take over.
Stephanie Blaum: It was an amazing feeling (playing in the arena). I was overwhelmed.
Lisa Vaughan: We kept thinking about last year's tournament. I was nervous but we'll be ready tomorrow, because now we are prepared.
Losing Coach Lori Polte, Spring Valley (Hall): What is there to say, it's very disappointing, it's very difficult to lose a game when you're playing so well.
After the first game, I told the girls they had fought too hard to let it go.